When you want to set a seductive mood with your partner while maintaining certain boundaries, what kind of response or interaction are you aiming for?

  1. I don’t understand the question. What boundaries would I want to maintain that setting a seductive mood might negate?

    My boundaries are established. Suggesting I’m up for sex does not in any way mean those boundaries have vanished since last time, why would I need to specifically maintain them?

    If I’m initiating a seductive mood, the response I’m hoping for is enthusiastic participation.

  2. My partner and I haven’t deviated from our boundaries in 20+ years so if I “set a seductive mood” and he’s up for it, I’m aiming to bang.

  3. I don’t know about maintaining boundaries? But like if I’m in the mood and I’m trying to get him in the mood it’s usually for one thing and I want him to be enthusiastic about it too. If for some reason he’s not in the mood then I would respect that but that’s usually rare.

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