I was thinking this in bed, I genuinely can’t ever imagine someone loving me that way or even.

I can’t picture these things ever happening and for some reason it’s only the loneliness side of things that hits me. Just not having someone to travel with, go out with on weekends, share a space with. It’s not about sex. It’s about all these experiences I’ll never live. It’s like there’s an entire dimension just locked away that I wasn’t meant to experience.

Just one less person to cry and worry about me I suppose. Means it’s one less string attached to me in the end.

I’m not conventionally attractive and I work as a physics PhD student so my work is pretty male dominated and I have a limited social life.

  1. Id say try to find a way to be more active and meet more people. What do you have to lose?

  2. It’s just starting for you. Work on you. Are you ready to accept someone in your life? What are your values, what are you looking for? What kind of intimacy or connection do you want? What don’t you want? Then date! Be safe!

  3. In your 20s sir you are still evolving and it’s not about quantity it’s about quality don’t settle for less live your best life. Life is like a ice cream sundae and the SO is just the cherry on top. Even without the cherry sir you still have a Bomb ass ice cream sundae. You’re doing fine but something that women have said about me that helps me is that I can talk for days :). Talk to everyone and improve your communication skills and learn more.

  4. It’s not over for you.

    But some tough love honesty is that if you don’t make life changes this situation may never change. Could be any number of things – finding more outgoing activities, finding spaces in your life that *aren’t* male dominated like physics, hitting them gym more, forcing yourself to ask women out more often. The details are up to you and there are many options, but if things aren’t working currently and you change nothing, they will continue to not work in the future.

  5. My man I’m 37 my last gf was in 2014 focus on your life and career this is your story if a woman is out there she will come to you

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