So as y’all know from my previous post in this group, my fiancé gave me chlamydia. Because there is a 6 month old child involved, i didn’t leave right away, i wanted to fight for my family of course as anyone…..

We’ll FUCK that ! I’m so DONE. i was on his phone yesterday and went to his Snapchat and seen he has a girl as his #1 best friend on snap, went to their messages and he calling her babe n shit…… I’m so ruined at this point i laugh the pain off. Fiance says he doesnt know her😂😂 when will the compulsive lying and cheating stop? Never. I’m checking the fuck out. Figuring out child care through the state, previous employer said she’d love to have me back, and will be going after him for child care.

I cannot believe this is my life. I cannot believe i thought this was it for me. first time mom, SAHM. my fiance changed my entire life but I’m taking back control. Pray for me.

  1. Keep your head up, you are doing the right thing. look after yourself and your baby. hope things work out for you..

  2. Good luck, you can do this. Check with social services and see what is available in terms of housing and food assistance. Ask about legal assistance. If you feel you are in physical danger, then leave while he is at work. You can always request a police escort to go back and retrieve anything you left behind.

  3. I’m so sorry you’re going through this, and also really admire you for being brave and taking control of your life. Feel free to message me if you need/want someone to talk to. Many community colleges are great places for resources other than social services, good luck!

  4. You are doing the very best thing for your baby and you. You have good things ahead. We are all sending you good vibes and prayers.

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