Planning to play with my friend this weekend. Let me know your thoughts.

  1. Ball needs to be as wet as possible. Flick your wrist, don’t extend your arm so much. If you’re already p sauced, take a step or two back from the table because you are inevitably going to throw it too hard despite knowing you need to toss it lightly. Always go for the furthest first, closest last.
    Btw, I have a [beer pong project]( that you can check out.

  2. Its all about the arc, the more vertical the ball is when coming down, the less angle it will have to bonce off the lip sideways

  3. When I play, the rule is usually wrists. So I touch the table and take a step back. I tend to have more luck for range.

    But I’m an opener, not a closer so I try to pair myself with known closers. I can get the first 4-6 cups easily, then it’s up to my closer.

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