I think anything in finance is interesting. Doctors and engineers are impressive, too.

What do you think?

  1. Why does their gender matter? An impressive job is an impressive job. I only care if they can do the job well.

  2. We’re at a point where women in high level jobs are so common that they aren’t impressive, it’s normal. I remember there were only a handful of women in a class of 40-50 students back in engineering college, now there are lots more.

    IMO the impressive ones are women doing heavy labor jobs, like mechanics, construction, machinists. When have you seen a female plumber or carpenter? That’s impressive to me.

  3. Its 2023, if you’re in any sort of developed country country then none of that is impressive for a woman

    At least no more impressive than for a man

  4. For many of you what your grand and great grandmothers did in World War Two in the 40s and everything. Rosie, the Riveter, Wendy, the Welder. they got real. They saved this country.

  5. Impressive as in intimidating? Or impressive as in desirable? Male or female, there are some jobs that demand a lot of a person and could be considered more impressive than more mundane jobs. But any work one days to support themselves and/or their family is laudable. But off the top of my head, I think of specialized medicine; like neurosurgeon perhaps.

  6. After living in a dump of a town for years her having any full time job is an important green flag and any educated professional job would be great. I just want them to be a functioning adult as far as that goes. But single successful women absolutely don’t choose to live in Ogden Utah.

  7. I’ll agree with engineering. It’s funny, in college it’s basically the super nerdy major that is known for socially inept dorks but years after college I’m just known as “the math and science guy who makes a lot of money” according to my girlfriend’s family.

    Outside of that you have all your other high paying careers: doctors, lawyers, finance basically.

  8. I think the gender difference are about gone. An impressive job is an impressive job.

    When I see women at senior levels in the military, I think “wow, good for them.” When we get a female President in the US, that will be another time I say “wow.”

  9. Don’t you think it’s more physical hard work jobs, that women can’t compete to, is more looked upon?

  10. A job that involves a trade? Jobs that require college degrees for women is basically so common now. But it’s not common to see women in the different fields of trade

  11. As a man who’s worked in primarily male dominated workplaces, any workplace that is primarily male dominated. The amount of harassment and general bullshit that women have to deal with on a daily basis at work in some of these environments is fucking gross.

  12. Roofer, or Sanitation. Never seen a woman in either, would impress the hell out of me if I did. I work with STEM women all day long, and half my Dr’s are women. Most of the people at my bank are women as well. But a ginger woman roofing in Arizona during the summer? THAT’s impressive.

  13. We are self employed and that means that I need to be able to do what my husband does (as equally as possible) in case he’s not around – no way am I gonna stand there and say I caaaaaan’t do something (if I can help it)

    We’re in a 99.99% male dominated Industry – super difficult for women to get a leg up if that’s what they want.

    I left a 15yr finance career to go to work with my husband. That was almost 20 yrs ago.

    Since then my “only ever worked in a corner office” ass has learned to operate a crane, an excavator, the loader, a bunch of different forklifts, I’ve learned tow a trailer, boat – drive a Rolloff and even dropped a bin ONCE. (Once was enough lol) I can jump start most old cars and change oil, tires, filters, belts etc.

    I am scared of the shear and the baler …. And still want him to show me how to cut weld things.

    I understand that we’re in the age of equality – but, if you’re a woman who has never been exposed to this kind of labour/trade work ? It’s a bit tricky to get started to even see if you’d like it for a job.

    ….. I work with a lot of men who think this work is too dangerous, dirty and foreign to women for us to learn. And FTR ? The older men are the most encouraging….like they discovered a new species.

    I also still get men who look terrified for me & ask me “does your husband know you’re driving his XXYYZZ ?!?!” And they’re serious about it to ….. says a lot.

  14. Doctor, engineer, pilot, lawyer, entomologist (I cannot explain but it just sounds very attractive for a woman to be obsessed with bugs).

  15. I always love and appreciate when women join the workforce in STEM careers and in technology. They really are underrepresented within the fields and have been for far too long.

  16. One I haven’t seen mentioned is upper finance positions! I worked in finance for 4 years and I would be the only woman among 15 men, intimidating and depressing as yea upper management is more on the male end in most corporate companies

  17. Any high-level-of-education-required thing has always impressed me because I couldn’t stand school myself.

  18. Anything a woman (or anyone) does for work that i cannot do i will always find impressive. If i cant, havent, or am not doing it i have absolutely no right to say whats difficult and whats not.

  19. Women firefighters- that is impressive! I don’t think people understand how physically hard being a firefighter is

  20. I am always super impressed with my niece. She went to trade school, and she learned to weld. Travel all over the US. She got tired of that and then went back to school. She got a degree in forestry. She works with the state forestry service. She puts out wild fires.

  21. I am female and work in ammonia refrigeration in the maintenance dept. It’s all good, boys will be boys.

  22. TLDR “impressive” = high salary white collar

    Which is funny because many blue collar jobs pay just as much if not more if you’re good at what you do

  23. I work in a female dominated workplace. I can tell you, as a male it’s quite hard. I would prefer equality on all sides.

  24. Anything physically dangerous that most men can’t do. If very few men in society can work the job and not die, it’s impressive. If a woman, who is 40% weaker, can do it? That’s more impressive than the few men that can do it. She’s basically doing the job with a handicap.

    I’m talking US Marshalls, DEA, FBI, ATF, US Military. I’ve met some really badass women that work for different agencies or are combat veterans. Those women impress the fuck out of me, dude.

    You know what’s most impressive? They still climb in their careers despite the harassment and bullshit that comes along with working in male dominated fields. A lot of weak men act like fucking morons, instead of treating our sisters like members of the team. But these women are paving the way, and their sacrifices will make it easier for future generations. Pretty amazing legacy to leave behind if you ask me.

  25. 8 hours in and this thead isn’t locked yet with half of comments removed by mods and others downvoted into oblivion. I’m impressed.

  26. Do you mean what women find impressive, or that it’s impressive that they do a job?

    No clue on the former, but the latter is basically any job if they do it well.

  27. I worked in construction for over 20 years, about 6 years ago, i was asked to help another construction company out, they needed a foreman to help finish a project with a tight deadline.

    The project was quite big and so it was split into separate parts and i was to be the foreman of one of them.

    This company had a forewoman, so respected by everyone, that even architects, would ask her first, before giving the other foreman the thumbs up. Not a single worker on this project, that had easily 600 people working in 3 shifts, had a single bad word to say about her.

    I know It’s hard to imagine for someone, who never worked construction. But it is literally unheard of, that 600 people have nothing bad to say about you. But if that Person is a woman, that’s like waking up and realizing you are in the matrix.

    And she was as good as people said she was, highly competent, good with people, no i’d say amazing with people. I would ask her for advice too and i learned a few things, more than i can say for a lot of other jobs i’Ve had over the years.

    That was/is impressive to me, because i know how women are usually treated on building sites, its not nice i tell you that much, and being respected, just doesnt happen.

    But other than that, i think every job you consider impressive for a man is also impressive for a woman. Astronaut? Pilot? Doctor? Truck Driver? Plumber? CEO of a Company? Thats all impressive no matter what you have between your legs.

  28. The right answer is blue collar work.

    It is good old fashioned hard work with almost no women, and the women who work a blue collar job are among the toughest, most skilled and hardest workers I have met to make up for less physical strength.

  29. My wife’s a nurse.

    Sometimes she comes home and talks about her day and I just think to myself, “holy shit, there is now way I could ever do that job”

    She impresses me on so many levels. The heavy lifting nurses do moving patients etc, the de-escalation and conflict resolution they are all too often left to take care of, the dressings, the emergencies, the whingeing patients with ridiculous entitlement. it goes on.

    I don’t know where she gets her compassion and patience. I would fucking kill half of the idiots she tells me about.



  30. Finance is boring. Not impressive at all. Scientists, engineers, doctors, anything that takes a lot of skill and actually produces material benefit to the world. All impressive.

  31. Why are you asking this question? Are you trying to get a job in order to impress a woman?

  32. Driving/flying/sailing big machines. I.e. Driving big commercial trucks, flying Airbus 380 or Boing 787 planes, sailing super tankers.

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