How many days do you go into work, and how far is your commute?

  1. 3 days a week. About an hour door to door. Short walk to the station, train about 50 minutes, 7 minute walk to the office. Not bad tbh.

  2. 10 second walk to my desk from my bed most days.

    30 minute drive to the office once a month.

    60 minute drive to the other office about once a year.

  3. At the moment nearly 1 day a week. 4.5 hours one way. Company pays for hotel everytime

  4. Usually in the office three days a week.

    I try to arrive early, so drive there is 30-40 minutes, 21 miles.

    Traffic on the way home can play merry hell with the drive time.

  5. A 45 minute walk, 5 days a week. I don’t mind it, it’s probably my favourite part of the day as im on my own, doing some good exercise and have my music on.

  6. If I go into the co-working space I pay for, a 40 minute cycle, 30 if I blitz it, but I can’t at the moment because of tendonitis.

  7. 20min drive, longer if there’s a pony/cow/pig hanging around

    5 days a week

    I think it’s 9 miles

  8. I do 1-2 days in the office, 3-4 from home.

    Door to door from my house to the office takes me about an hour and mins. That includes driving to the train station (5-10 mins), getting the train (40-45 mins), then getting the tram (25 mins) then a 2 min walk to the office. But the train is often delayed and I have to wait for the tram.

  9. 5 days out of 7, it takes me 6 minutes to get to work in the mornings and about 15 or so when I do the afternoon shift.

  10. 40 min drive 3 days a week across the most beautiful scenery.

    Mooch downstairs for the other days.

  11. Either 10 seconds from my bed or 1 and a half hours (each way) by train. I do not like the latter.

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