Does anyone one else find it hard to have a erection again after you have cum? Recently I have been finding it more difficult to go for seconds or generally its taken longer to get a erection again. Finally when I do get it up its not too bad. I do not need viagra as I know this is a mental problem and not health issue. Are you guys doing anything different or any other pointers?

  1. Mental problem? 😭 every man has a recovery cycle period after they cum, the time frame varies from person to person but this is completely normal. I guess my next question would be how long that recovery period takes? If it’s longer than a day then maybe I’d be concerned. smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol are contributing factors as well

  2. Assuming you are young, although you didn’t say. Really, some men, even young ones, just have to wait for hours before being able to get hard. This is not typical for young men, but it is within human variation.

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