do you want your girl to call you the normal “babe” “baby” names or what??

  1. One of my ‘friend’ sent me his Dk pic, it was completely unwarranted I was talking to him about video games. AFter he apologised I nicknamed him Khalifa (as khalifa is the last name of Mia khalifa and also a building called Bruj Khalifa)

  2. I had a girl in my twenties that would yell, ‘Get over here Cockboy!’ She also called me her Honeybo, pronounced ‘Honey-beau’ and I liked that one. Cockboy was a bit demandatory.

  3. Doof. (Short for doofus.)

    EDIT: My last ex used to call me “babe” quite often, despite the fact that I always told her I hated it. (Incredibly impersonal and – to my ears – quite trashy.) One of the many signs I ignored that she didn’t genuinely care about me, my thoughts or my feelings.

  4. My SO and I were told, 3 weeks into our relationship, that we wouldn’t last, because we called each other Shitface and Cuntchops.

    Jokes on her friend though, her relationship broke down, whereas my SO and I celebrated 10 years in July.

  5. My ex used to just call me “Blondie” because at the time I didn’t like that I was blonde so she wanted to tease me.

  6. My ex called me bumbers. And gumber/gumby. Because I was grumpy. Bumbers because it’s like bubbie to her. I’m Jewish.

    I called her my pooper, and variations on poo. Because she was a sad boy. Party pooper. My poopie

  7. I’m a big guy, a bit overweight but not that much, and I found it hilarious when the gf called me Chungus.

  8. I call my husband Meat Boy. We watched Working Moms together & Meat Boys were the hot young escorts & I just found it hilarious.

  9. My ex used to call me Bullfrog. She was my little Velocitaptor, cause she was such a clever girl 🙂

  10. My wife calls me Kakashka which literally means poop in Russian but it’s a term of endearment and it’s cute when she says it.

  11. My Brazilian girlfriend call me “gatinho” that actually translate to kitty, I think is cute.

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