How many times does an average American get married?

  1. It varies greatly depending on the region/state.

    Because many people never marry, it will be close to one and that will be misleading. Of those who marry, how many marriages in their lifetime? I can not track down the number.

    But I can show you the percent of those who have married 3 times or more by state.

    State Percent of ever-married residents married three times or more

    Alabama 8.6

    Alaska 5.9

    Arizona 6.8

    Arkansas 10.8

    California 3.8

    Colorado 5.5

    Connecticut 2.6

    Delaware 4.6

    District of Columbia 2.6

    Florida 7.0

    Georgia 6.7

    Hawaii 3.4

    Idaho 8.7

    Illinois 4.0

    Indiana 7.4

    Iowa 5.0

    Kansas 6.5

    Kentucky 7.9

    Louisiana 6.2

    Maine 6.0

    Maryland 3.5

    Massachusetts 2.1

    Michigan 5.0

    Minnesota 3.0

    Mississippi 7.8

    Missouri 7.6

    Montana 6.9

    Nebraska 4.4

    Nevada 8.5

    New Hampshire 4.6

    New Jersey 1.9

    New Mexico 6.4

    New York 2.2

    North Carolina 5.8

    North Dakota 3.4

    Ohio 5.7

    Oklahoma 9.7

    Oregon 7.8

    Pennsylvania 3.2

    Rhode Island 2.1

    South Carolina 6.0

    South Dakota 4.9

    Tennessee 8.5

    Texas 6.3

    U.S. 5.3

    Utah 5.2

    Vermont 4.1

    Virginia 4.7

    Washington 6.3

    West Virginia 7.2

    Wisconsin 3.4

    Wyoming 7.9

  2. Questions like this are why Google exists.

    Someone might answer you but they’re just going to Google it and post the result.

  3. I have been married once, my wife has been married twice, so on average based on my own family i will say 1.5.

  4. Average? IMO twice.

    Also there is one other way marriages end outside of divorce. Lots of widows/widowers remarry

  5. I’ve been married once, my wife twice. My parents once. My inlaws: MIL 3x , FIL 2x. Avg = 1.6667

  6. I believe Google is the place to ask this. No one here will be able to get a real answer without Google. Just cut out the middleman.

  7. I’m going to say 0-4. I have no data to back this up(it’s already been provided in the thread) but my guess is 0-4 for pretty much everyone with like 0-2 being the most common.

  8. 2 I think is pretty accurate,and it’s not proudly that I say that it’s sad but it’s the reality.

  9. In my graduating class over 50% have been married and divorced and then remarried, and most did not come from broken homes.

  10. WOW I’m from Arkansas and yes I’m on my second marriage I got married when I was 19 and much to young, I believe that in Arkansas that is the problem most are married by 20 and that kind of old to get married in our culture, not so much anymore. unlike a lot of people who don’t really know Arkansas has a lot of really pretty southern girl we aren’t barefoot hicks lol.

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