I was taking a bath and felt a lump at the base of my penis, sort of where the scrotum starts I suppose. I immediately sat up to look and noticed a fairly ugly bump. Firm, but not painful to touch. Sort of red around the edge with a raised yellowish middle. (I am colourblind, so take that with a pinch of salt.) Still, looked like a fairly average pimple.

Naturally I gave it a squeeze. I’ve had my fair share of pimples and ingrown hairs. I got nothing out of it, though. Still no pain apart from the slight discomfort from the squeezing. I assume it’s normal and nothing to worry about, but I wanted to get on here and check it just in case.

To make sure everything is clear, I am 19 years old and have only ever had one sexual partner, who I am in a 5 year relationship with. We were eachothers first and have never had unprotected sex. We haven’t had any sexual contact for quite some time either as we are currently long distance, so there is no way this could be an STD.

Still, cancer runs in my family so I can be very paranoid with this sort of thing. It’s best to check.

  1. Definitely go to a doctor. Testicular cancer affects young men. Better to rule that out and then relax.

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