I really want to be friends with a girl who recently marked my radar. She’s really pretty and I know we have the same interests because we’ve followed eachother on Instagram for a while. We listen to the same music ect. The issue is, one of us is always around friends and I feel weird approaching ONLY her with her friends around. Also, I feel like whatever I do, I’ll over share or ask the wrong questions, come off creepy and stalkerish but I just want to talk to her. I don’t want her to gossip to her friends about me or paint me in a bad light because of my bad social skills. How do people approach other randomly about a shared topic and make it seem casual that they know the information about them???

I don’t understand 😭

  1. I don’t know but I don’t think there’s a way to casually let a random person you know information about them. Maybe leave that part out entirely until you are friends.

  2. Try to be friends with her and anyone she is friends with that you also like. Try bringing up her favorite things when you naturally can.

  3. just go up to her friend group and say hey i see you here a lot.
    if she follows you on ig how are you not already in?

  4. “creepy or pushy” is simply a matter of not paying attention to social cues. So if you are talking to her and she is replying with one word answers or “I dunno” or other non committal answers, she simply isn’t interested. At that point you say, without sarcasm or snark, “thank you, have a good day”

    Creepy is the guy who keeps following her around after she has clearly shown you that she is not interested.

    Pushy is the guy who puts her down for not being interested or keeps trying to get her attention.

    Approaching her once, by their nature, cannot be these things. If she rude to you, then that is a reflection on her, not you.

  5. You both follow each other and if you’ve been watching her stories and liking her posts there’s a high chance she has noticed so I’d say something like, “Hey! I noticed we’re following each other on Insta but we haven’t talked” then follow with a compliment or mention something she *recently* posted or ask for recommendations. Don’t overthink it. If she thinks you’re weird and gossips about you then she’s not someone you’d wanna be friends with anyway.

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