Why do good looking men that have good hearts chase women that are bad news for them?

  1. the same can be said the other way around 0.o. But then again… we cant really control who we develop feelings for …

  2. Women do the same exact thing. I think those people don’t realize that relationship is bad for them OR they do realize it but they believe that it’s still not a problem and “bad” people are so attractive and exciting for them.

    Couldn’t be me though.

  3. They haven’t learned their lesson yet. Sometimes it takes a horrible experience followed by a divorce to learn.

  4. Because through their whole life the good men with good hearts were mercilessly rejected, avoided and ridiculed by all the beautiful women.

    Now, when they are older, women are attracted to them because they want stability and a man with money.

    So the man chases the first beautiful woman that shows him attention, and odds are that woman had bad intentions to manipulate him, use him or otherwise extract money from him.

  5. Trying to save the damsel in distress who’s locked in a tower guarded by a dragon without realizing that the woman is also the tower and the dragon. You can’t fight for and against the same person at the same time.

  6. Too many people think they can change the other person, that never works in real life only in Disney stories

  7. I think some people have a sense of attachment that is really out of whack for various reasons – I would say it’s probably similar to how there’s a type of woman out there that will bounce from one abusive relationship to the next, never picking up on any red flags or anything like that.

    A lot of guys I know who get with “bad news type of women” had fairly distant fathers or completely absent ones, so they never really got a great model of what a “healthy” romantic dynamic looked like. So they put up with all sorts of horrible treatment from their girlfriend, despite being pretty good people themselves, because they never learned how to put their foot down and say “no” to something in a relationship.

    I think a large, large amount of people like that of either sex truly never learned that you can advocate for yourself and your needs in a relationship, so they never expect anything better because they don’t know that you CAN expect better.

  8. This sounds like it should be the other way around but..

    Let me answer the question..

    __“Good looking men” that “have good hearts” either…__

    __A:__ Don’t quite have as “good” of a “heart” as you might think and are out playing, leveraging their market place value.

    __B:__ Do it because they can.

    __C:__ He could be a Beta bux delux kind of guy, to naive to be able to accurately judge someone’s character.
    A true captain save a -garden tool- .

    __D:__ Aren’t interested in you because they are in another league and or you have a attitude problem, eminently writing off women who seem more attractive than you as bad people.

  9. It’s the same with women when they are in a bad relationship with a maybe even abusive partner and they just stay there and then they “need time for themselves” when a genuine good guy approaches. Some people are like this and others can’t get them out of this circle of self doom.

  10. Im a good looking man with a good heart and I don’t chase anyone and I don’t let anyone chase me, jokes on you

  11. you mentioned looks and heart, but not brains, and then ask why they do stupid shit?

    some hot, kind people are just dumb and do dumb shit.

  12. Am I safe in assuming that “women that are bad news for them” really means anybody but you

  13. Lemme put it as nice as i can for you

    You’re going for men who are way out of your league and they might take you to bed but will treat you like shit because they’re not interested in you

  14. Because if men only had an interest in women who aren’t a pain in the ass on a regular basis, humanity would be on the verge of going extinct in one generation.

  15. Probably because they’re hot.

    Also, keep in mind this is your own opinion. They might not have the same view as you do.

  16. They’re usually a lot less anxiety ridden and more confident. If your choices are between to anxious to talk to you but is nice and talks to you but is a prick who do you think is gonna win? The one actually talking. It’s the same case for both men and women

  17. I think it’s a similar reason why women chase after the bad boys, it’s confidence.

    “Bad boys” have confidence flowing out all their holes, and most women are attracted to confident men. While I’d say men are attracted to confident women as well. The bad men and women know what they want and don’t care how they get it as long as they do.

    Ignore the insults OP. Redditors being Redditors.

  18. The “bad” people (man or woman) are usually capable of being assertive and going for what they want making the chore of initiating easier. That’s why girls end up with players and guys end up with some chick trying to use them.

  19. People inherently like danger and excitement. Things that are dangerous are more fun to have / do. People who are fun and exciting aren’t strict rule followers or constantly polite and caring thus can look like “bad news” to some who just want stability. Also ” bad news” women do more to get you hooked on them. They dress the way you like, they initiate intimacy more, they role play and talk dirty more. They’re the type to unprompted do sexy things like cook you dinner in lingerie. Imo nicer women tend to be far too shy to do stuff like that and require you to do most of the work to make them comfortable enough to try. You have to find a balance between fun and non-toxic.

  20. Because men are brought up (or rather, groomed) – by mothers – to be good people, instead of being brought up to be happy and fulfilled as a person, first and foremost.

    With women, its the other way around.

  21. ” A *real* man wouldn’t leave me at a time like [basically every other time for her, but he hasn’t figured it out, yet.]”

  22. Some do, some don’t. I don’t chase women since it is only one sided. If they don’t show that they like me back, I drop them.

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