I made a post yesterday with the details of my situation but haven’t gotten replies unfortunately. Basically to make a long story short I was talking to a guy I met at work. He asked me out and we started communicating through texts. Because of our jobs it was going to be hard to meet up but we still texted in the mean time.

Anyways the last time we spoke we got serious in discussion about what we were expecting from each other and we didn’t understand what we were saying because I felt like both of us had a different definition of what it means to be in a “serious relationship”. Anyways I got frustrated and he probably was too and we ended the convo on a cliff hanger. That was about 5 days ago.

Now I’m feeling kinda childish that we left the conversation where we left off. We never got anywhere I wanted to be mature and talk to him in person the next time I go to work but that’s not gonna be until like another week or so cause I will be removing my wisdom teeth today lol.

So I decided maybe I should just text him and get it over with. He hasn’t reached out to me since either and I feel this poor communication our generation has nowadays is not a habit I need to get my self in to.

What do you guys think? Should I text and apologize or move on?

  1. I think you should make the attempt to communicate and at least apologize or try to come to a common ground. Not saying you need to like each other again. But it’s the human thing to do. Make amends and all that. Especially if you kinda work together, you really don’t want any bad blood to spread. So ya know, just try to be nice and say sorry, even if it wasn’t your fault or however. You should also just explain that you won’t be coming in work because of an event in your life, you don’t need details, just so there’s a reason for a in text apology. As I personally would prefer a in person apology but would accept it if there was a reason.

  2. If you feel sometype of way about the way you left off, then you should def text and see where you stand with each other. That way, you can move on or continue together.

  3. I don’t see why you need to apologize necessarily. But I don’t think it’s a bad idea to text him. It will at least get it over with.

  4. How about an actual voice phone call? Texting can be very difficult because there’s no nuance or voice expression. It’s easy to misunderstand each other in text messages.

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