I remember in primary school they took us to a cemetery, it wasn’t for history purposes or that, the teacher said it was “just to have a look around”

  1. I went to a catholic school so we regularly went to church as a school trip. I used to be so jealous of the kids who weren’t catholic and didn’t have to go.

  2. For me it was Buleigh motor museum aged 8 or 9. Nothing wrong with it per se but a couple of days before I went I accidentally jumped through a glass door and shredded my legs a bit. I ended up in a wheelchair so I was pushed around it at a great rate by one of the teachers who seemed to hate it and everyone on the planet.

  3. Box factory. One of the kids went missing and then his dad showed up having an absolute meltdown thinking his son had fallen into the machinery and had been turned into a box.

  4. I can remember spending a afternoon visiting our local town’s incinerator. It was exciting as you imagine

  5. Done a geography field trip to Swanage because I heard it was legendary for carnage. was well disappointed.

  6. The local church was pretty dire, especially after the Jain Temple and the Gudwara and being fed.

    Though the Co-op I currently work in has a school trip coming in soon, so that’s gonna be interesting…

  7. Eden Camp. Not because the museum is bad but because the coach company had hired a brand new driver and as a prank they’d given him directions that turned a 40 minute journey into 2.5 hours

  8. Primary school: Sandhar’s supermarket. A small, v local convenience store that also has a decent range of Indian spices. Nice little shop don’t get me wrong, but as an outing for the class, odd call haha

  9. My worst school trip was no school trip.

    We had a new teacher and she didn’t want to take the class out, so she arranged for some acting group to arrive and do some rubbish performance art piece

    After we had to write a thank you letter, I had to rewrite mine as I wrote something along the lines of ‘thank you for doing the job you are paid for, and denying the class a school trip’

  10. It could have been worse.

    We had a new kid at our school, moved from another part of the country.

    Soon after his dad died and was buried in the cemetery.

    We had a visit to the cemetery for a history lesson.

    Hey look here’s a fresh one says some kid. Teacher takes us to have a look, you can guess where this is going.

    Total melt down and certainly the worst school trip for the kid who wasn’t expecting to see his dad that day.

    He left the school soon after

  11. Was supposed to be going on a tour of the Nou Camp. Coach broke down in some random French village, all the lads got bored and started setting off smoke bombs they bought from somewhere. Someone then ate a snickers on the coach resulting in a girl going anaphylaxic and us all going home after getting nowhere near the Nou Camp.

  12. The local library. Not to go in, but to stand outside to wave at Princess Micheal of Kent who was coming to reopen it.

  13. In secondary school they used to organise a big trip for the year 11s right before they left; think paint balling, theme parks etc.

    But when it got to our year 11 leavers trip we got told we were going to the local zoo… Which the entire year thought was such an anti climax compared to what the other year 11’s got to do so no one went and we had a normal school day instead.

  14. Supermarket visit. We went to a supermarket to look at packaging on different types of stood items. Naturally being opportunistic 13 year olds we attempted to buy our lunch because it was cheaper than the canteen. We got caught and threatened with detention.

  15. Local tip. The highlight was standing on the massive scale the trucks use when they weigh in. Plus it was chucking it down and I was bursting for a piss.

  16. The local Anglican church. A 70’s built montrosity, and a boring sermon. All of 5 minutes walk from school.

  17. We were meant to be going to Beamish open air museum (which is great, by the way, you should go if you’ve not been) but didn’t get there as our coach crashed into the back of a tractor on the way. We spent several hours at the roadside in the rain waiting for a replacement to take us home and our parents spent the same hours knowing we’d been in a crash but not that everyone was ok (this was pre mobile phones).

  18. A day trip to the landfill. I just remember about 100 13 year olds walking around and looking at the broken toilets sticking out of the stinking piles of rubbish.

  19. In nursery, we were meant to be going to a farm but it got cancelled that morning.

    We’d all got our packed lunches and the parent-helpers were all there.

    So, with a couple of big parks and woodland nearby, they did the logical thing and took us a short train journey to a teacher’s house.

    We ate our lunch in her living room, had a story or two, then back on the train.

    We had to be really quiet the whole time we were there because her husband worked nights and was asleep.

  20. Ugh we went to a factory which made confectionery. It was a fucking nightmare.

    Before we even got in one of the kids’ parents was complaining they couldn’t read the NDA because they hadn’t brought their glasses.

    Then we get in to the main manufacturing area and one of the kids contaminates a massive batch of chocolate by scooping it up with his hands. They removed him from the factory, much to the surprise of everybody else.

    We went through some corridors to a room where they make egg-based confectionary and one of the proper spoilt kids (rich parents) whinges that she doesn’t have her own factory equipment, and indeed hens to lay eggs. Her dad tries to buy things from the factory owner but he says they’re not for sale. The child damaged a bunch of equipment and produce in rage and ended up falling down a rubbish chute so staff had to hurry around just to find this arsehole to save on the compo claims.

    Then we ended up in a lab area where they were trying new ideas. A girl pinched a sweetie from the production line which hadn’t been tested yet, and she ended up very sick very fast.

    Then towards the end, the granddad of one of the kids decided to climb what should’ve been a sterile processing centre. Him and his son managed to climb down but they whole thing had to be sterilised.

    Bizarrely, the guy who ran the factory forgave this last lad’s granddad and struck by the kid’s enthusiasm actually gave him massive shares in the factory.

    Fucking wild trip.

  21. I’m not sure if this will be a good trip or bad trip for my daughter, this week she is going away to the Scottish highlands to do outdoors things like canoeing, rock climbing and camping, which does sound like s really fun thing to do in the summer, am I right in thinking November is the wrong time to go camping in the highlands?

  22. It wasn’t an actual school trip but my mum was a Physics teacher and decided that a tour of Sellafield would be educational for me and my brother and might get her some useful background information for the A-level course.

    Driving round in a bus on a rainy day being told what happens inside various massive concrete cubes, but absolutely nothing to see.

  23. They took us to a farm where they trained service dogs. It was all terribly educational and all I’m sure but they wouldn’t let us pet the puppies. So basically they showed us puppies and went “haha but not for you!”

  24. Went to the tip at the end of the road in year 9 geography

    Didn’t even go in just drew it from the outside. Couldn’t really see anything because it has trees around it and apparently this was the lesson, that you can sometimes use trees to hide unsightly buildings

  25. 1990 in Primary School, Newcastle upon Tyne, we had a trip up the river Tyne on a boat, we had to collect the murky brown river water as samples using pop bottles with bits of string attached to them.

    These were for science experiments in class.

    Andy, one of my classmates, wouldn’t stop singing the Elton John song, Sacrifice, very badly for the entire boat trip, over and over again.

    The whole trip smelled of dirty river water and diesel fumes. Enough to knock you sick to your stomach.

    It wasn’t until we were a bit older we realised we were essentially collecting sewage water, we didn’t wash our hands and we ate our packed lunches after having handled the sewage filled and covered bottles.

  26. Went on an activities trip to Wales when I was 11. My friends dropped out at the last minute. Ended up in a dorm with an older kid who kept wanking. And another kid who’d been recently circumsised. I had to get a teacher for him in the middle of the night cos he’d ‘started to bleed’.

    Next day we went caving and I got trapped in this section called ‘The Cheese Press’, behind a fat kid nicknamed Panza. Took them 20 mins to pull him out.

    Day after we went abseiling. I was first up, got to the top and realised I had a massive fear of heights and told them I didn’t want to do it. The guy in charge tried to cajole me into it, but mercifully stopped when I teared up. I had to do the descent of shame down the ladder. The next kid up was my wanking roommate, who propelled himself down jovially without breaking a sweat. Good times.

  27. We had a similar one when we went to France with the philosophy teachers. They took us to a cemetery and told us to go and find famous peoples graves. While we had our luggage with us (it was the last day) and it was hot out. Plus there were people mourning while we were running around like complete fools. Some of us refused to engage in the circus and we went to a cafe with the teachers and had beer the whole time. Actually the whole philosophy trip to France was a mess entirely. The teachers got us children’s train tickets and a group of us got caught during our free time and they got held up by french police. The teacher had to go there and he had to pay a huge fine out of pocket. Apparently it was a significant amount and he was pretty displeased about it. It was a genuine failure of a trip from all sides but in retrospect I wouldn’t change anything about it. Maybe the fine because I felt bad for him.

  28. I wouldn’t say it was the worst because I had a great time. In reception we were taken to our local laundrette. We got a picture taken and everything!

  29. Sewage treatment plant. It fucking stank and to make matters worse it seemed to my young eyes that the computers through which the whole operation was controlled were from the 1970s and didn’t require much input. I wanted there to be control panels of people regularly pressing buttons. We were then treated to a lecture on how to save water properly.

  30. Shrooms during double geography. I thought the tectonic plates slipped out of my textbook onto the floor… I was panicking, thinking my mate was going to die in the Mid Atlantic Ridge, so pushed him off his chair to safety.

    I got sent home, and suspended for a week.

    Actually, I suppose it could’ve been worse.

  31. Not a single trip, but a single place.

    Chester Zoo every single year, from year 2 to 6. Everyone lived within 2 miles of Chester zoo and most families had season tickets.

    It’s a great place, but the whole class would beg to go somewhere different.

  32. In year 3 we had a teacher who did not like school trips. So the school trip we went on was for a walk around the grounds of the Henry Moore museum thing with sculptures like [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/DDyY4q7bGaNwG4nV8)
    Now some people like this but to a bunch of 7-8 year olds it was the most boring thing in the world.

  33. I was a Teaching Assistant before I retired. I had to accompany a child with a broken wrist to hospital. The kid had been told to get off the wall, didn’t, showed off arsing about on it and fell. The teachers complained that it wrecked their child to adult ratio and when the parent turned up at the hospital I got grief from him as if I personally had injured the child, and they’d had to leave work. It didn’t help that the child was a little shit but I understood why when dad turned up effing and jeffing and saying they were going to put in a formal complaint about me.

  34. Ski trip. I wasn’t allowed to go because my pe teadher didn’t like me, but that bitch let me sit through an assembly about how awesome it would be, and the when I went to get the form, she snatched it off me and said “You’re not coming. You’ll ruin it for everyone else”.

  35. Malham Cove. I’m TERRIFIED of heights and we had to walk down via these super steep steps hewn into the rock, with a sheer drop and no railing on one side.

  36. Well. I was home educated through primary and secondary school, and took plenty of trips to museums, etc during that time, but those don’t really count. My only real school trip-esque experience happened when I was in college.

    It was the spring term of 2022, and my college had announced a department trip to London Comicon for my department. I was excited, at the time – I go to Comicon every year anyway, but it was free transport and I would get to go with my friends. We had to buy our own tickets, but we were all fine with that. Not a big deal.

    The day rolls around. We had been told to gather at a certain point on the college grounds at 9AM, where the coaches would leave promptly at 9:30 for an 11AM arrival time. It was a fucking scorching hot day, something like 30C outside, or close to it. The area they had instructed us to meet at had no shade. This was just the start of the problems. The next problem was that we were not being allowed to board the coaches. Nobody was explaining what was going on. Several people got heat sickness in the meantime. 9:30 came, then 10, then 10:30. We’d been waiting in the direct sun for an hour and a half, several people were quickly getting sick, and we were now a full hour late for the con. There was no seating. We had to either stand, or sit on the pavement. We had bought our own tickets. We had paid for this nightmare.

    Finally, an explanation comes – not only were there not enough seats on the coaches they’d hired for all the people who had signed up for the trip, but a good portion of the people going on the trip didn’t have the correct paperwork to board the coach in the first place, because several teachers hadn’t handed out the right paperwork – two forms were necessary, and several teachers had only handed out one. This included my class. We were not allowed to board the coach. It was at this point that I broke down into a full on crying, snotting fit, which was maybe not an incredible move given that I was horribly dehydrated at the time, but I was nauseous from the heat and I had been standing for around an hour and a half. I have arthritis. It wasn’t diagnosed at the time, but the pain was still very much there. I was in hell. I had paid to be there.

    I demanded to leave, figuring that I could just get to the train station and take a train down to London and hopefully salvage the afternoon of the convention. I was 17 at the time, and the teachers in charge of the trip refused to let me leave since they had a legal duty of care over me. I was pissed at this point and texted my mum explaining the situation. She called me and explained to the teacher, over the phone, that I was allowed to leave if I wanted to and she would take legal responsibility if I got hurt or anything. It was at this point that an admin staff member finally came over to see what was going on. He asked how old I was. I said I was 17. He let me on the coach. I figured that it was probably easier for them to just let me go on the trip rather than let me go on my own and potentially have me get hurt and risk them being on the hook for anything legally. I was FINALLY on the coach at this point, but none of my friends were able to come. It was another half an hour in the blazing hot coach before we finally started moving. I cannot describe to you the genuine ecstasy in that coach the moment we started moving.

    We finally arrived at around 12:30PM, 1.5 hours after we had intended to arrive, but we didn’t get into the venue until around 1PM. I’d missed everything I wanted to do, but I was confident that I could still salvage something from the trip. We were told to gather at a certain point for a headcount at around 4PM, so I went off and enjoyed myself for three joyous, joyous hours, before going for the headcount. It was not a headcount. We were told to do anything else that we wanted to do, go to the toilet and head back to the coach. We were going home. Everybody was fucking horrified – by our tickets, we still had another 2 hours at least. But no. We were supposed to be back at the college by 6:30pm. So, we went back to the coaches.

    All in all, a good chunk of the people who signed up to go couldn’t go at all, everybody who turned up had to suffer in the blazing heat with no seating for around two hours, and we only got to be there for about half of the hours we had paid for. Oh yeah, and we paid for our own tickets. That was the first and last trip I ever went on at college.

  37. When I was in year 3, we went on a school trip to a church. It didn’t have anything to do with what we had been learning about. Anyway, they claimed the people of the church were going to do a play for us about the birth of Christ. Not long into the play, a group of girls were being a bit chatty and one of the people acting told them to shut up.

    We ended up leaving early because everyone was talking too much. The teachers made us simultaneously say sorry to the actors, like in assembly back in the day when you’d drearily be like “good morning everyone” except we had to say “sorry”.

    When we got back to the school we had to have an assembly about our behaviour and some of the naughtier/chattier kids had to write letters of apology to the church.

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