For those of you who are currently unemployed, what’s your story?

  1. I’m a vet. Got my ‘sorry for fucking up your entire life’ payout and now I don’t need to work until I drop dead early and probably of cancer.

    What started as a casual interest became sort of like a little project. I noticed men who couldn’t get laid were getting louder and stupider so I looked at the help that is out there for them…. Yeah it is unlikely to be helping in my casual estimation. So that keeps me busy. Probably fucking off to Myanmar soon because I’ve been in fighting gyms all my life but never learned any Lethwei.

    So yeah trying to stop men from hating women and brain damage.

    So yeah brain damage and brain damage.

  2. Basically lost my job, had to move to a small little podunk town with no economic opportunity. Then had to take care of my mother, so really haven’t either gotten back into my career or been able to find a job at all for a very long time. Then on top of that, I’m not physically able to do a whole lot of physical labor for a couple of reasons. So just been a lot of challenges between what I can do, what I’m seen as “qualified” or “overqualified” to do, and having a massive war chest to be able to look for jobs outside of reasonable driving distance. So just sucks all around.

  3. WGA-SAG strike put me out of work for the last 7 months. Hopefully pre-production starts picking up again soon, though

  4. Currently unemployed because I decided to go back to school and get a professional degree. Hopefully I won’t be unemployed for too long.

  5. Was working at a startup. Our VP was terrible. Constant micromanagement, poor decision making, expectations to work evenings, weekends, and holidays. Boken promises about career progression. I have some savings so after that experience I decided I needed a break.

  6. I loved my job. I was very good at it. But my boss didn’t appreciate my work and made a great effort to get me fired. I didn’t fight.

    I decided to retire, but am not really ready to stop working. I just haven’t decided what I want to do.

  7. My field died. No more (writing) jobs. Because of this, I socked away nearly everything I made at my last job, and am seriously wondering wtf to do.

  8. Started my job as a pilot. Two months later was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive stomach cancer. I literally just graduated flight school and landed my first job. So pissed off right now that I am doing chemotherapy and not flying.

  9. I had my own business. Was doing pretty well then my back gave out. I mean fully gave up. Took me a year to recover. Specialist told me I’m not allowed to do anymore physical work as I’ve worked my back to the bone (I’m only 37). So now I’m getting new qualifications in the office side of my old career.

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