I’ve had an interesting situation arise that has me a bit morally conflicted…

I keep cameras on the outside of my house. Because the hot tub can be a “life threatening” piece of equipment outside, I keep a camera aimed at that, as well. I also have two cameras inside, which I use to check on the dogs when I’m away. None of my cameras have recorded for years, they’re just for monitoring. (They used to til I moved)

Few months ago a date passed out at my house, and later accused me of drugging her. I took her to the ER and eventually it revealed it was a UTI, and her tox screen was clean. But when this occurred, I started realizing if she misinterpreted the situation future… Girl passes out on my floor, accuses me of sexual assault, and my DNA is inside her… I’m convicted. As a result, I got a better camera system and now they all record 24/7 to an internal drive. It’s a closed system, no cloud. I’m dating around at the moment, and I refuse to run this risk again.

This has prompted a moral question… Recording nudity and intimacy. In my state, it is not unlawful to unknowingly record on your property, including nudity, so long as it’s not distributed, for sale, etc.. so there isn’t a legal issue, but it does leave me with a moral issue. Morally – how should I go about this? I’d really prefer to not have to have a discussion about it first… that’s weird.

I’m 39, single. Professional. Level headed. Not someone who people interpret as a creeper, lol. My dating pool seems to be age 29-39. I live in a nice area – but there are better and not so better communities around… so the “type” of women varies. I did have a recording setup for years in another home, never put an ounce of thought into it, never went back and watched anything.. it’s just a safety thing. Nothing more.

Thoughts? Advice? Let’s keep this about morals, right and wrong opinions. Not legalities.

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