So we met like 4 months ago through social media and we hit it off immediately, and as time went by we made it “official” and I noticed that whenever i ask for a picture she would act weird even tho she already sent me pictures before and she would make up excuses, And her main excuse was that she doesn’t take good pictures of herself so I accepted it as a fact even though i dont take good pictures of myself either yet i still send them to her.

So after a while i started to ask for more pictures and she said we can face time later and i can screenshot as many pictures as i want of her yet we never face timed.

I also dont think she is catfishing me or anything cuz she never asked for anything materialistic and if she was catfishing then whats the point yk, also she is fine with literally sending different pictures of her body but always covers her face with her phone or takes it in a way where her face isn’t visible . So what do u guys thing i should do about it?

Tldr.: my girlfriend rarely sends me her face and her excuses are i never take good pictures even tho i told her i dont really care cuz i love her

  1. Yeah the pictures she’s sent you so far aren’t of her. She’s catfishing you, she’s just playing the long game.

    Or maybe she’s not, maybe she’s just a bit insecure. What the fuck do I know?

    But definitely the catfishing thing.

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