Men of reddit,how do you know someone is interested in you?

  1. We don’t most of the time. We just keep on chatting until they lose interest and then it hits.

  2. You know that feeling of whether you kind of think she likes you, but also feel that you are overthinking it? That’s not the signal. That is actually your cue to go and shoot your shot. Get burned for 5 minutes or live forever not knowing.

  3. She’s probably not. She’s probably complimentary to everyone. She probably gives everyone hugs when she sees them.

    Best not come off like a creep, she’s probably just a very friendly, physical person with everyone.

  4. We don’t or at least I don’t. If you’re not willing to articulate your feelings then I don’t need to know.

  5. If they leave their comfort zone and become active (and you can rule out mind games, pranks, fraud and similar things).

  6. You can usually tell by the way they act around you.
    (Example: when their demeanor completely changes whenever they see you and if they act shy around you are usually a few indicators).

  7. 99.9% of the time I believe I did know, I was wrong.

    0.1% of the time I did and was right has to come down to luck, there’s no other explanation to me.

    Now there were probably times I had no idea someone was interested and can’t put a number on that.

    There’s all that stuff about how people treat you in person, in group, who pays attention, touch arms and other actions more than words and all that people tell and write articles or video about. I even did here and IRL and now I say none of that, absolutely none is close to being half the time reliable. I say that from personal experience with dozens of women.

  8. Purposely make a bad joke. Not bad as in dark but bad as in so corny no one could possibly think it’s funny. If she laughs, either she likes you or has a really weird sense of humor.

  9. When they directly tell me “I am interested in you.”

    I couldn’t take a hint even if my life depended on it, and I think from the several similar answers I’ve seen from other guys throughout my life, that the same goes for other guys, too.

  10. It varies girl to girl, the biggest things I’ve noticed are: staring, smiling, flirting (teasing or through use of sexual innuendos), small ways to be closer (sharing your drink or asking to share a snack with them), complimenting, some might brag/talk themselves up, some might find a way to touch, etc.

    But, if I had to pick the biggest sign someone is interested, it’s eye contact. You’ll find them looking at you often.

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