…in the next week, month, months, years and before your death.

  1. Getting into college. Just waiting on that email/phone-call that’ll tell me if I’ve been accepted or rejected. The wait is stressing me out. Sure I have a Plan B if I’m rejected, but ffs I wish they’d just tellllll meeeeeee!

  2. I expect it to go very badly for the rest of my brief run and then it’ll be over. What I want is the second part to come sooner rather than later.

    I can’t imagine why I don’t get invited to Christmas parties. It’s a mystery.

  3. Work I can enjoy and that’s meaningful with decent pay, (not trying to get rich just make a good living.) a solid partner, maybe buy a house one day instead of having to rent, some good memories with friends and family , maybe have a kid or two. (In my 20s so there’s still time) that’s about all I can think of right now. Life isn’t too bad for me currently but definitely room for a more rewarding, fulfilling life.

  4. Just to live the way I live. No crazy goals and aspirations. Work as little as necessary, spend a lot of time in the woods, eat some good meat, lift some weights, watch some sports, and do some puzzles.

  5. You are doing it wrong if you think of life fulfilment as a outside factor to figure out….

    You have to find a source of completion in your development with your happiness toward your existence. For example simply life is a fully developed experience worthy of your appreciation and dedication to the spreading of your knowledge that is of this revelation in emotional maturity

  6. Expect? Absolutely nothing — that’s not defeatist mentality, it’s the secret to love, happiness and peace, imo.

    Want?…love, happiness and peace

  7. I’ll change expect to want, but I want very little out of life. Mainly I just want to enjoy myself and do cool stuff.

    We don’t get a lot of time on this rock, might as well try to enjoy it.

    Otherwise, I dunno. I did my first ironman recently. I want to do more endurance events and stay fit throughout my life. I kind of want to go to graduate school. Mainly though I want a change. I’m too comfortable where I’m at. I feel like I need to try something new.

    The one thing I’ve learned in life is that I can plan all I want but things ultimately ending up working out in the most unexpected ways.

  8. Be able to live in a stable way, have all the things I need to care for myself, and be able to put myself in a place where I can make a real difference for myself and others.

  9. I can’t expect anything because I WILL be disappointed. I want to find another friend group and graduate with my master’s degree as soon as possible.

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