Fellas, how often do ya get rejected for your looks?

  1. Probably a lot. But doesn’t bother me. I reject much as I get rejects most likely. Everyone got a type.

  2. Don’t think of it as that. It’s usually a mix of a lot of stuff usually girls can sense lack of confidence. It’s mostly a personality thing but sometimes people just aren’t clicking. The trick is to understand not only can you not control the way you look, but you also can’t control the way other people perceive you. Once you’re at peace with this, just keep looking for your one half that does find you attractive and stay with them. It’s a subjective.

  3. Not sure if I ever have been tbh, I can’t recall a time. But…how do you even know? If you make a pass at someone and they turn you down it could be for so many reasons. Unless they specifically tell you it’s because of your looks, which I’ve never experienced, you have no idea why they weren’t interested.

  4. Vast majority of the time.

    I’ve always been called interesting, funny, caring, etc etc but then hit me with the “not my type”.

    Never had a compliment on my looks either (even from past partners).

  5. While I was single, I was only rejected for looks because I’ve chosen to be bald since my mid-20s.

    Surprisingly, though, I’ve never considered it a problem regarding women. Most women I have shown interest in over the years have either been into the look or didn’t care.

    I would typically make a Mr. Clean fetish joke when starting a conversation with someone new, and that made a pretty good icebreaker while addressing the fact that I do have no hair.

    I admit that some guys can’t pull it off; I just got lucky that my head shape works well with the look.


    I always looked at rejection as a woman saving me time and energy. If she isn’t into me why would I want to invest time into her?

  6. It’s werid for me. Most of the time I get rejected is when I approach first but all my ex girlfriends started from them making the first move.

    Guess I’m lucky but some women approach me. I think I’ve had more women approach me than I’ve approached women

    On terms of my looks. I’ve always got the polar opposites. I’m either ugly or attractive. I try not to think as it confuses me. I just know from life experiences that there are women out there who do find me attractive. Just have to find them and most of them, they approach me. I’ve been told I look like WWE Wrestler Randy Orton (Without the physique) which i take as a massive compliment and once in school been told I look like Sid from Toy Story 1 which wasn’t something i wanted to hear 🤦‍♂️

  7. Not sure tbh.

    Probably a lot on dating apps who swipe left on me, but I’ll never know how many (thankfully).

    I’ve definitely met up with women off those apps who clearly weren’t into me at all so it does happen

  8. Of women I approach in person, rejected like 50% of the time for various reasons. But no woman has ever been so rude as to say it’s because Im ugly lol. Thatd be wild. Just lie and say you have a boyfriend and I’ll leave!

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