Me and this guy dated for a year, not exclusively. I’m doing some traveling for a few weeks. Before I left he unexpectedly sent me this long text about how we should just be friends for now because he doesn’t think we have an intimate connection etc.

Before we broke up I had planned to travel and he planned to meet me during the last week of my vacation. I assumed that since we aren’t dating this wasn’t going to happen.

Turns out this isn’t the case and he’s still meeting me in one of the countries I planned on visiting. He already has his ticket, ccommodation and all the activies booked and everything. This was all booked after we broke up.

Do you think it’s a good idea to go along with this or am I just going to get hurt in the end

TLDR – We broke up with me but he still wants to travel together, I don’t want to get hurt.

  1. If you’re ok just being friends with him then it’ll be fine. But if you’re still interested in dating him it’s best not to meet up with him. If it’s the latter be very clear that you’re not ok with just being friends and let him know that you’re not ready to hang out as just friends. He’s welcome to travel wherever he wants but you will not be meeting up with him.

  2. I think you generally know what is best for your feeling and if you think that it’s going to suck to spend time with his dude right now, then I would just let him know that clearly you don’t intend to meet up on the last bag of your journey and you appreciate if he give you some space right now

  3. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to meet up with him. You need space after a break up. The fact that he bought the tickets after the break up doesn’t sit right with me and I feel like if you do end up meeting with him that chances are higher that you’re going to have all kinds of drama. Very few guys can take a rejection well and just be cool with making the shift over to just friends.

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