I (39F) have always struggled with communication. Last year I became friends/friendly with another parent (?M) at my kids school. I just felt an instant connection, conversation was easy, fun, I find them interesting and inspiring, some similar interests/values etc. Super rare for me to connect with anyone – I’m kind of a happy hermit. We are both married/partnered so it’s not a romantic connection. I like his kids and partner too. They are a nice family.

At the end of the year, schooling circumstances were going to change so we wouldn’t catch up incidentally anymore. He asked for my number to catch up outside of school pick up zone. So we did a few times, as families, and the kids played etc.

Last contact was probably 8mths ago – it was just an invite to the park which they politely declined.

We live in the same area and I saw them today. I was driving so I doubt they saw me. I thought to text and see if they would be interested in catching up some time. But I just feel weird. Is it weird, or am I just making it weird?


“Hey, I saw you in town today! It’s been a while, hope you’re all well. Let me know if you guys would like to catch up”

Be ok?

Should I suggest a place or time? Maybe a local park for the kids on the weekend. Should I add our names? A “who dis?” reply would be worse than no reply lol

If it isn’t awkward, I’ll make it awkward! Help!

1 comment
  1. Hi! Your story is different from my experience but would like to notice about reaching out wording here.

    One-way “Saw you” intros for situations when person doesn’t know he had been looked at might feel a bit creepy even if they don’t. If you seen the person, why didn’t let them know etc. Better to use some shared value as an excuse for reminder, if any.

    Recognition that it’s been a long time is definitely a thing. Better to complement it with “how have you been” question first, before asking for a catching up, imo. So, the conversation could develop in a slower pace.

    After all, it has chances to work out either way!

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