I’m just genuinely wondering…

  1. My ex is Black. His kids are Black.

    The first time meeting the kids, my sister-in-law (my brother’s wife) said *to my ex’s face*, “They’re so nice! It’s like they’re not even Black.”

    She’d shown vague indicators of some racism before that but my god, I was shocked that she just said the quiet part out loud as if it were a compliment.

    That was in 2012. I don’t speak to her anymore and I have extremely limited, forced-only contact with my brother. I’ve got no space in my life for that shit.

  2. “I don’t ask you for consent anymore because i know you are going to say no anyways”

    — my ex when i was 15 or 16

  3. So did you do real physics or girl physics? After telling someone I have a master în physics.

    The doubled down with “girly physics are astro physics or biophysics.. you know the easy ones. Particle physics are real physics. That’s what I want to do”.

  4. A girl/friend of a friend/weeb once said that it’s unfortunate that I’m not Japanese, and while that’s fucked on it’s own, it’s an extra not-fun thing to hear when you’re from a country that’s historically been occupied and oppressed by Japan. I’m usually pretty quick to retort or just politely tell people to fuck off, but I was so stumped I just went uh-huh and stared in disbelief as she changed subject like nothing. Absolute moron.

  5. – “I’m embarrassed to be with you because of what they’ll think”

    – “Where is your self respect right now?” (After opening up to her about something difficult I’d been going through and crying for maybe 10 secs, never making that mistake again)

    – “So you just want me so I can take his place?” (After telling a single funny story about my life long best friend that passed in 2021)

    – Quite a few other hurtful things that made me think “Why would you say that to someone?”

    No apologies nor accountability for any of it but it taught me to set boundries. I finally had to end it in July after 7 months but I can still hear those things in my mind everyday. Hopefully typing this out will help alleviate the rumination.

  6. Context – I am Jewish, but my family anglicized our name and I don’t look ‘stereotypically Jewish.’

    The amount of casual anti-semitism and racism people drop is shocking.

  7. He told me “You’re like a step away from cutting yourself.” While taking our daughter out of my hands just because I was crying. I have been clean from SH for a few years and he knows I struggle with chronic depression. After that I relapsed. My thought then was like… wow…. Maybe he’s right. Why not.

    I’m doing better now.

  8. Any time someone makes an unsolicited comment on my body, of any kind. I’m always like… who asked you. And also: who raised you!!

  9. This year, my mam had a heart attack and my dad was also hospitalised, such a tough time for me. I had a holiday booked before all this happened and I was so anxious to go after everything that had happened, would they be ok? Would anything happen? A friend, who I still cannot believe said it, “I think you’re being dramatic about your parents”. I was shocked and gobsmacked. Someone who has been there for me throughout the whole of 2023, said THAT.

  10. The Padre of my husband’s military unit said, “wow, you are quite bustier than I remembered. They’re nice.”

    He’s a man. A high ranking man. Everyone’s mouths dropped.

  11. I was recently taken into ER for a severe concussion by ambulance(someone else called them). The ER doctor never checked me for a concussion not once in my 7hrs there… he then came out in the waiting area and told me in front of all the other patients “this is not a reason to come to the Emergency Room, If I give you an ativan will you go home” i had another doctor check me out and i am now on bedrest orders and have neurology appointments for the next month.

  12. A few times when I was working public facing positions, other white people would make incredibly racist comments about black people, assuming, I guess, that I would agree with them just because of the color of my skin. I’m not even going to repeat any of them here, they were that bad. I always wanted to say something back, but I was always so shocked that I was lost for words. I never got used to it.

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