So me w18f was caught with my legs open playing by my ate dad has anyone caught there daughter or daughters been caught before I feel so weird now and don’t know what to do fml

  1. just remember, everyone was young at one point, im a dad, and honestly, as long you dont come home with a teenage pregnancy or a STD its all good


    if you want you can talk to him about it, he will understand, alternatieve is just never ever mention it ever, he probably wont either and you can both just pretend it never happened

  2. I’m willing to bet you both feel equally mortified. My son has a ways to go before he’s old enough for that but if I ever caught him accidentally I’d be very embarrassed and feel bad for making him feel embarrassed, because masturbation is normal and healthy but not something you want to be caught doing by family lol.

  3. Meaning no disrespect, young lady, but if you were genuinely the first human female to be caught masturbating by their father, in hundreds of billions of humans and hundreds of thousands of years, that would be unlikely.

    As to how you react, that’s up to you. It’s time to step back and take some perspective. You are an 18-year-old woman, and despite what the more restrictive elements of society would have you believe, it is _completely normal_ for an 18-year-old, of any gender or sexuality, to be interested in sex. If your father wants to get on your case, you can remind him that you are not a child doing inappropriately adult things — you are an _adult_ doing appropriately adult things.

    That being said, the question is how you were walked in on. You’re allowed to explore your sexuality, but you should be taking steps to ensure that you keep that exploration private. Depending on the circumstances, this can be the opportunity for you to admit that you were an adult doing inappropriately childish things.

    Both of these things show maturity, and fundamentally that’s what you’re looking to show. It is totally natural for an adult human, such as yourself, to be interested in sex. What matters is _how_ you express that interest. And if your parents try to tell you that it _is_ unnatural for an adult human to be interested in sex, well, now you know that you’re more mature than they are. 😉

  4. It all depends on your dad. Me personally as a father if my kids choose to masturbate, then that’s their business. My only concern is cleanliness and safety. As in if they are leaving a mess behind in their rooms, that unsanitary and unacceptable. If they are using unsafe objects for the purposes of masturbation, then that’s a safety issue.

    But if I had walked in on my daughter, my only concern would be ensuring that it didn’t happen again. The walking in, I mean.

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