So there’s this girl who’s insta I got on the last day of University before Easter break, I started off flirty and she reciprocated and definitely has interest.

Problem being, we are on Easter break, for another 5 weeks (1 week in so far), meaning I’ve only been able to talk to her over voice notes and back and forth snaps.

We’ve had a back and forth ~5 voice notes at a time for about a week, and also have a conversation during back and forth snaps. However we have not had a moment of silence, it’s been going for a week, which I do not feel comfortable with, as it’s an easy way for her to get bored, her replies have also slowed down, and with the way things are going she won’t even be that excited about me by the time we’re back at Uni.

How should I be operating our communication? Do I need to end the back and forth?

  1. Whats your favorite dessert? Imagine how excited you are to eat it! How satisfying it is to eat one!

    Now what if you had to take a bite o it every couple hours. Would it still be exciting? Satisfying? Would it be better than eating a whole desert, but with long breaks between each one?

  2. you can just slow down yourself; i wouldn’t worry about trying to alter the dynamic. if y’all have stuff to talk about then talk. it’s a good thing

  3. I guess don’t open the snaps like wait 5-6 hours then say you were with friends or family and how was her day or say you’ll be away for the weekend in xyz place for the holiday & you wanna make plans when you get back just make something up lol

  4. I’d say just live your normal life and reply whenever you feel like it, doesn’t have to be right away

  5. I mean if u want like a two day break or something, just tell her ur getting a new phone and it might take a day to setup, a day not speaking to you could work either way tho..‘positively and negatively

    I’d u really like her so far then ask her out.. that’s ur best bet, after u ask her out if everything goes well then texting can slow down slightly and plans can be made for the near future

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