What’s one thing your spouse does that makes you absolutely makes you burst into laughter?

  1. Singing in the car . He has an awful voice and he doesn’t care. I love it 🥰 our car rides are always the happiest as I join him and sing along

  2. My partner’s silly dance moves always crack me up. It’s like watching a penguin try to breakdance. It’s important to find joy in the little things in a relationship, and laughter is a great way to bond. So, embrace those goofy moments and cherish them. Life’s too short to take everything so seriously.

  3. English is her second language and she gets American slang wrong sometimes.

    Her most recent gem was attempting to say ‘hillbilly’ and saying ‘billy willy’ instead.

  4. Sometimes when we meet for lunch and I’m already seated, he’ll kiss me on the lips and then after, he loudly says “you’re really pretty. What’s your name?” 😁

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