As a black girl I’m genuinely curious. Anytime I feel like somebody finds me attractive I suddenly get hit with the realization that they might view me differently since I’m black. Most people think black girls are “hip” and “ghetto” which is really not the case for me. For example yesterday some boys from my class were talking about bulking and then one guy suddenly turned to me and said that I look like I could beat him up (btw. I’m 5’7 and 133 lbs/ 170 cm and 60 kg). He also said that if I started bulking, in two weeks time I would be bigger than all of them since I have those “African genes”. Is that really how boys view black girls?

  1. No, you just were talking to an ignorant racist idiot. Too bad you did not record him and expose him.

  2. >Is that really how boys view black girls?

    No, those guys are just racists. Most guys don’t care about your race at all. Some are super into black girls, some aren’t. It’s not possible to speak for all men

  3. Uh no… sounds like you are taking what a loser is telling you a bit too seriously.

    Seriously, what kind of man tells a 5’ 7” 133lbs woman that she could beat his ass? Lol.

  4. Well first off I’d consider that “African genes” comment racist. Secondly my wife’s sister is ghetto as hell and white as paper, so color doesn’t really matter. That said yeah I like black girls as much as any color, dated a few nice ones in the past, a few awful ones too.

  5. Only idiots view black girls like that, any guy worth your time has the intelligence not to think a petite woman could beat them up because of African genes

  6. I actually find myself attracted to some of them, especially after being with a few physically. Almost like I caught a bug 😂

  7. Some love them. I like pretty much all races but I have never found blacks girls with weave that attractive. I prefer them with their natural hair.

  8. 5’7” and 133 is not very big. Was this guy a bit simple?

    Anyway, white guys like lots of black girls, I had such a crush in HS on this girl, she was an amazon, solid 6’ tall version of Lupita nyong’o. Unfortunately she only dated jocks who treated her really poorly. Such a nice girl, but such poor taste in men.

  9. Those guys are ridiculous and wouldn’t put any more thought on it.

    When it comes to choices about who we like or not, everyone has their preferences whether they realize or not. I never thought of it till a friend pointed out but I apparently tend to date blond/strawberry blond guys. I might be eliminating other potential suitors subconsciously.

    I assume you’re young since you mentioned classmates and how those little sh*ts are acting. There’ll be people who would like you for who you are and physically attracted to you. You don’t need to feel self conscious. Just go out in the world and be you.

  10. Those boys are stupid and racist. A mature person will know to not judge people by their skin colour.

  11. I really don’t care, if the girl takes care of her health and image, is perfectly fine, i think plenty of men will love to date you, it doesn’t really matter if you are “black” or not.

  12. you can date black dudes or guys who were raised around different types of people. i think most younger people are somewhat open minded and try not to use stereotypes. generally, guys like women who are physically attractive to them no matter the particular race.

  13. This might be a Canadian thing, but every other black woman here is with a white man. I don’t remember exactly when this shift started but if I had to pick, I would say 2018ish?? now it is just super noticeable. Beautiful couples of every mix/of every ethnicity here.

    I’m guessing you’re American? in that case, I have no clue but out here, everyone is vibing even if the weather is sh*t.

  14. Nah those dudes were just… new to dealing with black women, and probably black people in general. Or maybe they were making really shitty jokes. I dunno

  15. Yes, many do. Unfortunately, as an Afro Latina. I know many of them fetishize us for the wrong reasons, or are stupid like this guy. I don’t mind guys who have a thing for us if it isn’t driven by racist ideas. He seems to have wanted to pay you a compliment. I’m not sure it is one, but I have found that sometimes guys like this can be worth educating. They say something stupid because of their upbringing or because society is stupid. I would probably quiz him a little bit to figure out if the comment is a red flag. I’d probably start out thinking it is a red flag, but I’d be open and fair since white guys often say really dumb things when attraction gets in the way. A lot of them have no experience trying to get with us. By the way, I’m almost exactly your size, slim thicc, and have a lot of muscle definition, so I hear this kind of thing often. Even when I don’t hear it, over time it’s pretty clear it’s going on in guys’ heads. If you are patient, a lot of them have good hearts and can be taught.

  16. If you are good looking, guys will like you. I guess the same with women. So are you good looking ? You can DM me your online profiles and I can verify that for you.

  17. Yeah, black girls are attractive as a white guy. Hahahah those African genes. Those boys have been duped by those African bodybuilders who got rich off selling westerners bodybuilding programs, saying it’s all natural, saying they have those African genes, when in reality they take steroids hahah.

  18. A girls ethnicity has nothing to do with me finding them attractive or not. So yeah, there are black girls that are my type and some that are not. Just like every race.

  19. Yeah. No. Those are just racist dudes.

    Edit to say : I don’t care the race, if you’re attractive and we have things in common, it’s all good !

  20. I’m a white dude, first chick I slept with was black. That was like 5+ years ago & since then unironically, black guys, & girls are cool with me. I genuinely have more non white friends than I do white friends. In terms of your post, they thought they were being funny I’m guessing when in reality they were slightly racist (were the guys white? I’m assuming so)
    Side bar: if you’re into white dudes.. I’m 6’3 @160lbs. Single for a long ass time (not intentionally)

  21. Every black girl I’ve met has been either the sweetest girl or batshit crazy. No in between lmao.

  22. Of course we bloody well do. We like all sorts of girls. We’re literally hardwired to have wide ranging attraction responses towards women. Any guy who has an overly defined “type” that he finds attractive and rejects all others is pretty weird at n fact.

    BUT after that, it doesn’t mean we like ALL girls of whatever “type/race/whatever”.

  23. Those guys sound ver childish and racist.
    Men are attracted to a variety of different types of women.

  24. i dont think it matters see i am from india we have black skinned girls here too and i have friends eho are like that they have this complained but i fell for a girl who is a bit dark skinned but her facial features are really good and bulking is just a choice some guys like curvy girls some like little fit types, its a choice of the guy how he likes his girl, personally I’d go for fit type and good facial features colour is least of my concern

  25. I think the guy was (is!) attracted to you, and this was his immature, completely undeveloped cerebral cortex way of complimenting you or flirting with you. I was that guy once upon a time lol.

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