Do you think there will ever come a time where Christmas songs, Christmas merchandise, etc are all done as early as September? What about earlier than that?

  1. I don’t think so, just because Halloween is a massive cash cow each year. You might see some Christmas stuff but it won’t dominate until Halloween ends.

  2. Nah. Most Americans are put off by overly early Christmas stuff. I think they found a sweet spot that is tolerable by everyone.

  3. Halloween seems much bigger than just kids going trick or treating now. So with how Halloween is growing over the years I don’t see Christmas sneaking in there until after Halloween.

  4. I saw Christmas shit at Lowe’s on October 1st.

    I don’t think we’re that far off and I hate it.

  5. I agree that Halloween is helping keep it from starting in October, but even without Halloween I don’t think it would go back to September. There’s a very small percentage of people who would tolerate four months of Christmas.

  6. No Halloween is to influential and important for it to get overshadowed by Christmas.

  7. No, I think it has been pretty stable for some time. I feel like every year people say it comes around earlier every year, but it really doesn’t.

  8. No. Halloween will always serve as a hard stop since it’s a widely-celebrated, brandable holiday

  9. Nah I don’t think so. The general consensus already seems to be it starts too early. Places around me started stocking Christmas stuff as soon as Halloween stocks started getting depleted making shelf space available.

  10. Not really, when stuff shows up in stores is all just a function of the production and merchandising cycle. Same reason you see shorts and bathing suits for sale in the end of winter, and winter coats in stores at the end of summer.

  11. Hallmark network run Christmas films during July. “Christmas in July” is the theme.

  12. Craft stores start stocking Christmas stuff midsummer. This is actually logical for those that are making gifts as some craft projects could take months to complete.

  13. The end of summer sales and Halloween are the last buffers against Christmas.

    Thanksgiving isn’t marketable enough to avoid domination.

  14. The Charlie Brown Easter special had a segment where the kids went to the store to buy Easter decorations, but the stores had already shifted to Christmas mode.

  15. Probably not Christmas songs, but I’m pretty sure I saw a handful of random Christmas items on shelves in September

  16. I’d like to see some movement in the other direction. Someone needs to start coming up with Thanksgiving songs to start pushing Christmas back to where it belongs.

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