Ladies, what is a bigger factor when you’re approached by a man, looks or personality and confidence?

  1. For me, its probably looks first most of the time and then personality. If the personality is shitty then I stop caring about your looks all together and move on…

  2. I think looks is what may bring me in or let’s me allow a man to start the conversation when he approaches. It’s the personality that will decide if I will pursue them or say yes to that second date. Even if someone comes up all confident and smooth it doesn’t mean their personality will be on that I can tolerate in terms of dating

  3. Personality. They could look like a supermodel but if the attitude is garbage, then they will be too.

  4. a mix of both? I shouldn’t find the person completely unattractive, but I’ve already dated men and fallen in love where at first glance I thought “no way” because the personality blew me away

  5. If I’m being approached then it’s looks because if I’m not attracted to you then I don’t want to talk to you

  6. I’m not overly concerned with looks, honestly. I’m not a 10 so I’m not expecting a 10 to come talk to me, haha! Confidence is great, but again, if a guy with anxiety that isn’t in the running for Sexiest Man of the Year comes up and talks to me, I’ll always chat back because I’ll talk to anyone! Personality is the big one for me. Even if we have nothing in common, people with a good personality can still have a great conversation. If the personality is there, the looks and confidence really don’t matter all that much to me.

  7. Both! Because I’m a greedy fussy mare and want it all! 🤣 But seriously I need some physical chemistry I will admit that. However if personality/sense of humour isn’t included then it won’t work

  8. Both! Because I’m a greedy fussy mare and want it all! 🤣 But seriously I need some physical chemistry I will admit that. However if personality/sense of humour isn’t included then it won’t work.

  9. At first, Looks because you get attracted by this, but personality makes you pursue them and keep that person forever.

  10. both looks & personality… if i have no attraction towards them i wont be very interested in the conversation off the bat : if i find their personality unattractive,, it will be our last conversation.

  11. Everyone knows if you’re an unattractive guy, be ready to be alone. If you approach you’ll be considered creepy, plus women are horrible to men they see as unworthy of their attention.

  12. Personally I think it should be a little bit of everything; there has to be some physical attraction and also they have to have a good personality or at least one that’s compatible with you

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