We can break it down by day to day vs dressy vs average hangout

  1. 15 minutes on most days. If I’m wearing makeup, an hour. If I’m wearing makeup and it’s a hair washing day, 5 or 6 hours.

  2. However long I need, I can be done in 20 minutes if I’m in a quick mood and it can be an hour if I’m not and/or I decide to take a break to get a drink or snack or end up getting distracted by something

  3. Any amount of time is reasonable as long as it doesn’t impact other responsibilities, and you know when to start to get done in time.

    I need 1 hour for a quick casual errand run, and at least 3 hours for anything else. But I also plan my day accordingly and never drag it out enough that I run late. Doing my makeup is soothing and self-careish to me, so I like taking my time with it, and I also take into account that I may change my mind and want to repick my makeup or outfit.

  4. A shower, light makeup, blow out, dressing takes about an hour. Heavier makeup takes closer to 1.5 hours.

  5. Including shower and getting dressed.. I think about half an hour for daily.

    Then for dressy, I think it’s about 1hr.

    Average hangout would be closer to 30min than 1hr.

  6. For me personally, I cannot take a shower and then immediately start getting ready. My hair takes forever to dry, and it’s super hot where I live so I don’t like using hair dryers. If I have to be somewhere in the morning, I shower the night before. If I have to be somewhere in the afternoon, I shower like 4 hours before. But for makeup and hair and clothes, usually 20-40 minutes.

  7. Normal day to day=20-30 minutes starting with a shower.

    Family event ie Thanksgiving=30-45 .inutes

    An actual Date Night or Big Event= 45-60 minutes(I miss those days)

  8. If a shower is included my entire ready time is about an hour, and that doesn’t matter if it’s for work or a wedding, provided I’m trying to look put together.

    I can easily cut that time back by large margins the less invested I am.

  9. An event? Maybe 2 hours? I need an actual 30-45 min to get ready and the other time to sit on my bed stressing and changing my clothes cause I overthink everything

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