Am I overthinking this?

I (M18) keep stating boundaries with my boyfriend(M18) that he either pushes or breaks entirely. It’s a consistent thing, whether sex related or not, and I just don’t know what to do. I have a really bad fear of anal related sex, I just don’t like it. I can’t cope with anything like it, it makes me uncomfortable. It’s just a general fear of things happening, the image in my mind. I can’t cope with actually executing it. I have told him this on multiple occasions. Sometimes, he doesn’t mind and we just do oral and kink related things. But other times, he keeps pushing me to agree to something anal related. I.e, me doing stuff to him incase I get scared because “he doesn’t care”. Despite me saying I don’t like anything to do with it, and would rather drop the entire thing full stop. Even if I say no, he won’t stop pushing that and will keep going on and twisting it in different ways until he gets what he wants. I just don’t know what to do. I feel stuck. I love him, but I’m not sure what to do with this. It feels like it’s bordering on rape, but I feel like that’s too harsh to say. I just want to know if I’m overthinking this, I don’t know how to feel.

1 comment
  1. I know it’s hard, but you need to leave him. He doesn’t respect you or your boundaries. Please leave and find someone who respects and really loves you. I promise it’s soooo much better. If you can’t trust him to not break your boundaries regarding sex how can you trust him in any other way?

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