Hi all, and thanks in advance for your time! There is a girl at my local gym and I was wondering if or how I should ask her out. She was in in my highschool graduating class but we never really spoke. Mutual friends but never talked to each other. I was wondering if I should follow her on social media first? Or just go up to her at gym? It is always awkward at the gym though since we both wear headphones and honestly I’m generally pretty dialed in on my workout and presumably she is as well. Sorry for the long post and thanks again!

  1. The fact that you already somewhat know her and have mutual friends makes it a lot easier.

    If you want to approach her at the gym the best way is the work in method where you simply go up to her and ask her how many sets she has left, try approaching her when she just started an exercise that way there is a higher chance that she might ask if you want to work in with her, if she doesn’t ask you then you can always ask yourself if you can work in. From there on you can start some light chatter, asking about the exercise itself maybe or about anything you want.

    A bit cue at the gym to approach a girl is wether is even looks or smiles at you, if she does then it’s a green light to go talk to her but if she doesn’t pay any attention to you whatsoever then I probably wouldn’t.

    If you know her Instagram then simply add her up and start a conversation along the lines “Hey, I saw you at the gym and you look very fit, how long have you been working out” this is a little brave with the complement and you are not confident in your looks then you can send it without the compliment and play it safe.

    But yeah biggest cue is eye contact because if there is none of that then it’s pretty hard to judge.

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