Please include if you were single or taken when you had the crush at work!

  1. I never counted. “Crush” is a spectrum. If you make a cut on a minimal attraction that would be like tens. I was never a manager so they would be peers or direct or indirect superiors, that doesn’t matter much because I wouldn’t do anything anyway.

  2. Quite a times over the years, some single, some taken. Nothing wrong with having a crush, it’s natural and it’s nice to appreciate people. Most are coworkers on an equal level. Never had one on someone senior to me. Have had them on people junior to me. In all my years of work, only one time did something ever happen between a crush and I and I wouldn’t do it ever again.

  3. Before owning businesses many many. Almost always someone from a different department. Occasionally people I supervised but was not the boss of.

  4. Never happened to me before, I haven’t had a crush on someone since I was like 16 lol

  5. I have worked in female dominated fields for most of my career and yet, for some reason, I seldom develop workplace crushes. I’m not sure what it is, but somehow the way I separate work from personal in my head prevents these thoughts from occurring. I will notice if a coworker is physically attractive, but that’s the extent of it. I think I’m in the minority for this one.

  6. 3 or 4. But you don’t put your personal business into the work place. So I never did anything about it or said anything about it to anyone.

  7. Two. Both when single. One was in the same role so I thought better. Knew she wouldn’t work for me in a relationship sense anyway.

    Second one was in a different department. We rarely crossed paths. We’re married now.

  8. Define “crush”. There’s plenty of times I’ve found a co-worker quite physically attractive. But never did it rise to the point of romantic feelings.

  9. I don’t even I mean usually I think it’s because I’ve witnessed there most stressed and toxic self though and couldn’t see them in a positive light . Seeing them act completely different with an SO blew my mind . I was like wtf

  10. Like 2.5. One was communications for a research center and was pretty flirty with a ton of other dude coworkers and the other was development. The .5 was for another development coworker, but she’s a lesbian. We just meshed well due to our awkward personalities.

  11. 1st was when I was her Supervisor / Manager. I ended up dating her and 6 months down the road… it gets brought up by my boss. She ends up quitting to save my job. We break up soon after for unrelated reasons.

    2nd she’s my supervisor, she makes it clear that she wants something but due to past experience I don’t mess with anyone at work.

    Just a couple times. Learned from the first time.

  12. I had heaps when I worked in the supermarket. Most were other workers of little status just like me, usually in different departments. I probably had 10 crushes over the years I was there, single or not. I have much fewer crushes now that I’m a professional, and I think that’s because I’m more in tune with peoples opinions and feelings now, and crushes tend to happen from afar and you just project your imagination into them

  13. Depends on how you define ‘crush’. I think *real* crushes have been 5 in total in different jobs, including my current one. There are about 4 girls at my current job that I find really attractive and that I would sleep with in a heartbeat if they wanted me to, but only one who is a real ‘crush’; she’s pretty special. I was always single (I have always been). They were always my co-workers, i.e. equals, except my current one who I technically ‘work for’, even though she’s much younger than I.

  14. All my serious relationships started out with colleagues, I married 2 of the them… still married to one. First Responder.

  15. The number doesn’t matter, it’s at work. That shit was a bad idea before #metoo, and now it’s even more so.


  16. I became involved with a married woman at a job I had. I was really depressed and down on myself and her cheating really brought me out of it

    I thought if she was willing to sacrifice her marriage to fuck me, I must be worth something

  17. Like 3 or 4. They were all in equivalent roles as me. Interestingly, I am one of the only males in my current workplace. I have felt attractions to a few of the girls, but above all else it’s such a paradigm shift to be engulfed with women. I have become worried about them when they have bad days. My new sisters making me a better man 🤧

  18. Probably like 4. Pretty much same level as me, one was a manager above me who I didn’t directly report to. One was on another team. Over about 10 years. There’s not a ton of women in software, but we’re working to change that.

    And I was taken for most of those, I just get crushes anyway :/

  19. Honestly a lot but never really pursued them cause I wasn’t sure they were into me and didn’t want to make the work relationship crazy weird.

    Until last year. I was fairly convinced my new coworker was into me. We saw each other for a couple months and it didn’t end great. Learned my lesson there for sure.

  20. All of them. Honestly it she was cute she was crush worthy. And I have worked with lots of girls over my careers.

  21. started as a junior and ended as the lead project manager in 8 months, whereby 3 of my seniors that time was fired. If you work hard and show the big boss you are better and can safe money and time, im sure a promotion is in order.

  22. I’ve had a few, but it’s never been anything beyond “Oh she’s cute.” You’re naturally going to feel attracted to attractive people.

    It’s never been an issue and at work I keep it professional.

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