Ladies that fell in love with the nerd of the group, what made you fall?

  1. We complement each other perfectly. We want the same things in life, we share the same political views and values, and we have the same priorities when it comes to finances and work. We’re even both Autistic with ADHD, so we have the same communication style.

  2. She’s an amazing person and the fact that she’s a huge Star Wars nerd who has a massive death star in her living room didn’t bother me

    I fell in love with her for all the normal reasons people fall in love, she’s kind, funny, intelligent, absolutely gorgeous and she’s a good person

  3. The question is worded kind of like they would need to go above and beyond. We had similar interests, similar hobbies and there was great chemistry.

  4. We have common interests and a similar sense of humor. He’s also fit as fuck and has a great smile.

  5. He had a cute laugh and was kind as well as funny. He also didn’t make me feel stupid or incompetent when explaining math concepts to me. Hella patient and understanding, overall very well rounded person. Being a decent person goes a long way lol

  6. It happened to me multiple times. I like when someone is intelligent but not condescending about it, and when they have their little hobbies and crap where even if it’s not something I really do, I like watching someone get really passionate about something and light up when they talk about it.

    Also, the “nerd” type is often very sweet.

  7. His intelligence was very attractive and we had chemistry right away. Intimacy is like no other and now we constantly learn new things together, it’s my favorite🩷

  8. “Charismatic nerd” is basically my entire type. I just really like people who are enthusiastic/passionate and have interesting niche interests. I’ve also anecdotally found that nerds are better in bed than the general population, because they tend to put effort/care/research into things they care about, which may include sex.

  9. He’s so passionate about his nerdy hobbies/job. He genuinely loves what he does, and even though it’s something that I can’t wrap my head around, I could listen to him talk about it for hours. And he’s not condescending at all when he explains things to me. I know a lot of people who are nerdy about the same thing, but in a more jaded, exasperated way. It’s just great to see someone so in their element and loving every second of it.

  10. i have the music nerd. he’s very very sweet. good to his family. terrible flirt but it’s endearing. he has long term goals that couldn’t involve music in his career, but his home is full of instruments so his passion is still around. we had a lot of record store dates when we were in our early 20s. he’s open minded to go to any type of concert or live show. i don’t really have to worry about other women, he’s been very loyal. sensitive and silly guy. adore him.

  11. I’m just as much a nerd as him.
    Started to talk about Warhammer 40K, introduced him into my TTRPG group, play tons of videogames and TTRPGs together,….

    To me, sharing interests is important. So someone who isn’t a nerd isn’t someone I would consider for a relationship.

    Being compatible in personality and values, being loyal and honest, handsome a f and so on showed me early on I found a soulmate.

  12. Nerds are my type. I’m attracted to intelligence, and to men who aren’t ashamed to enthusiastically embrace their random interests and things. the man I love is super into pokemon (has thousands of cards, goes to tournaments and everything), and studied astrophysics, and is a total genius with software code, and I think he’s the sexiest man I’ve ever met.

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