
I am a adult male, in my endings 20s and i think ive noticed this.. maybe since age 21? I cannot really remember, but for some years now, my left testicle feels a bit swollen, different than the right, which is just there unless i touch it, the left feels like pressure, so i went to a doctor when i was 23 he checked them, pretty quickly, felt both with his hand, cause at that time i thought i felt a lump or lil stone too, and i think he might have also done that the thing where you lay down and doctors put blue gel to then see on a screen, i think its like a ultrasound (i’m really sorry i cant remember fully) but he said everything seemed fine and i had nothing to worry about. I am almost 30 and something playing on my mind is that i still feel pressure on it every now and again, i google and read about testicle torsion, twisting, i dunno, he pain is bareable, what worries me too is my left testicle can move up into my body so easily, so much that usually now when i masterbate i push it down into my legs so the left testicle doesnt go right up, its scary to me why it goes up so fast, any explanation, be brutally honest, what is wrong with me? I feel other guys dont have this do they?

  1. You are going to be your biggest advocate in the medical world. Go see a doctor AGAIN and ask them to explain it to you if it “isn’t a problem”.

    If anything, the peace of mind is worth the visit.

  2. First – this is almost certainly nothing concerning. Why not? Well, it has been there for a considerable period of time and you have already been given an “all good” diagnosis.

    That said, it would be good to have an “all good” diagnosis and an explanation of what is present (my money would be on a varicocele) – but yeah, not urgent, but probably worth another doctor check.

  3. I’m not a doctor, but it’s possible that the pressure and sensation you’re feeling in your left testicle could be due to varicocele, which is enlargement of the veins in the scrotum. It’s relatively common and usually not a cause for concern. However, I strongly recommend scheduling an appointment with a healthcare professional to get a proper diagnosis and discuss your concerns. They will be able to provide you with better guidance and a more accurate understanding of what might be going on. It’s always better to address any health concerns sooner rather than later.

  4. Description is a bit vague 🤔 if you mean like a lump that comes and goes and makes your testicles hurt sometimes then it’s a hernia 🤔🤔

  5. Definitely get a second opinion. Could be nothing, such as something like a varicocele which is pretty common on the left side. But worth getting another opinion. I saw 3 doctors about my vericocele, including a specialist, before I was comfortable I didn’t need to worry.

    Edit, I too can make my balls ascend into my stomach when masturbating/sex. I think that’s probably unrelated and normal, but definitely not a doctor.

  6. If it was twisted I promise you, you would know! When I was 17 I had a twisted testicle and the pain was not bearable.

  7. I would guess that you have a varicocele. These are often left sided and can cause some pain. It is a back-up of blood that makes the testicle a little swollen and engorges the veins around it. I would see a Urologist regardless, because it’s important to get this checked out for real, and not just an internet opinion.

  8. Like the first comment varicose vein probably. almost like a aching sensation at times? Probably best to see a doctor if you’re concerned tho

  9. Varicocele I think it is. I had one since 20ish. Once in a while I would freak out thinking, yea it’s cancer.
    Finally went to doc. Got the hand test and the on screen. They told me it was a varicocele. Life is better now that I know.

  10. Ask for all new tests, and a referral to an urologist.

    I have something similar, turned out to me something called vesicles in my sack. They get aggravated and it causes pain.

    It feels like a lumpy mass, but I can actually move it around in my sack. But like someone else said go back to your doctor, and push for answers.

  11. Sounds like kind of what I have. Other then the movement issue. I have varicose veins in them. One is much worse then the other. But it’s a quick thing to check with an ultrasound.

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