What’s the most fun thing you ever did alone?

  1. Travelling all over the world. I’m able to enjoy most things in life alone, and I have great memories from everything from fine dining date nights to festivals and concerts, but I truly think the majority of my travels were fun *only* because I went on my own. The experience and possibilities wouldn’t have been the same with company.

  2. Traveling

    Went back to America this year to go to Blizzcon and meet up with some online friends, had an absolute blast, I love traveling alone and meeting new people.

  3. This spring I took a few days and went hiking in the woods and exploring waterfalls. I rented a nice hotel room as a base camp, with a jacuzzi tub and a fireplace and a window that looked out over the water. I brought a bunch of books and snacks. I spent my days breaking in a new pair of Timberlands, climbing over rocks and getting soggy in snowmelt and feeling the thrum of waterfalls running high. I spent my evenings in absolute cozy bliss. Being alone was part of the draw.

  4. I can only think of one thing that is the most fun to do alone 😉 Ladies you know what I mean…..

  5. I guess if I had to choose something, I’d say travelled around Malaysia. But I love doing things alone. Going and getting a coffee, taking a walk etc. I’m married but I still love doing things by myself. Does anyone understand what I mean?

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