I am so sick of this.

some background:
I was cheated on in a past relationship and my boyfriend, let’s call him “Mark”, knows this and fully understands that I do have some trust issues from it. At the beginning of our relationship, I would stalk his socials, call him out on stupid things, tack his location, etc… I then looked up the usual, stupid question “how to know if he’s cheating” on google. In this one article, I read a quote that said “if you’re looking for something, you will find it” so I stopped. I stopped the stalking his socials and his location and just tried to ignore it.

I’ve been doing okay. I don’t look through his phone, I don’t check anything, etc… but I cannot deal with the constant paranoia and irrational thoughts that he’s hiding something from me or that he’s cheating.
I don’t want to constantly bring it up to him for reassurance because I don’t want to annoy him and I’m scared I won’t believe him.
He’s never done anything to make me think that he’d ever cheat. He amazing. He always makes time for me, he tells me he loves me like 17,000 times a day. He’s a great partner and my best friend.

I just really need some advice from people who’ve gone through similar. What can I do to help push these thoughts away? How can I talk to him about how I feel without accusing or annoying him?

Please Help.

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