Last time I got hugged properly, was 5 months ago, I’d like to hear your stories so it’ll makes me feel a little bit better. Thankyou!

  1. Like an hour ago by my significant other.
    In my culture hugs are common, yesterday I met my friends so I hugged them, I also hugged my mom when I saw her

  2. Today by my mother. She’s been lonely after my father died. It’s not gonna get better.

  3. By my husband before he left for work today. We make it a point to hug before we leave home and after we come back, to greet one another. A small act of affection means a lot in my marriage.

    The days we don’t hug are generally the days there’s been conflict.

  4. Two days ago. Had dinner with a former colleague and now friend. We huffed and said hello and goodbye

  5. Like 2 weeks ago by a friend. Before that it was a different friend like a month ago. Before that it was the first friend like 2 months ago. Then it was like 3 years ago

  6. hugged by anyone?
    a few hours ago by my mother & father

    hugged by someone other than my family?

    i’ll get back to you on that

  7. Probably more than 15 years…

    They’re one of those things Ive become apprehensive about but I would probably really appreciate a meaningful one.

  8. Close friend a couple weeks ago after winning championships. (Marching band is a sport) that was the first time in a few years tho.

  9. Like three hours ago by my wife. Just a drive by as we were doing chores while the toddler napped

  10. A couple of weeks ago by my 5 year old nephew who I hadn’t seen in eight months due to a fight with my sister. The way he held onto me, I thought he was never gonna let me go. I was getting pretty emotional but had to put on a brave face. It felt good, though. I missed him so much.

  11. Yesterday. It was from my ten-year-old son. He is my only source of hugs and they mean a lot to me.

  12. My friend, after a Saturday night show he got us tickets to! He’s a good dude.
    I’d hug you if you were here.

  13. It’s probably not the last time I got hugged but the last time I remember was probably about 6 months ago. I ran into an old friend at a venue when we were seeing a band play. When we saw each other she hugged me.

  14. My daughter hugs me twenty to fifty times a day. Wife a couple times a day. I’m fairly certain my daughter is the winner.

  15. My partner hugs me like every hour as long as we’re both awake, it’s pretty cute. They’re sleeping so it’s been a few hours.

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