So I (18M) have been dating this girl (18F) for half a year, but I’ve had a gut feeling more than half o the time that this relationship isn’t right for me. For some background, I met her one month before we started dating. I saw that she was very into me (at least that’s what I’ve thought) and seemed to be a good gf material, so I said why not. Objectively, on paper everything looked pretty dope. She had everything I’ve ever wanted from someone, romantically, but I wasn’t feeling this way. In the beginning, I was forcing myself to develop feelings for her, bc I didn’t want to lose the potential good relationship I could have with her. That’s why, fast-forward a month I told her that I’m not sure about my feelings. Obviously, she started crying. Afterwards we both went home without a clear understanding of what we’re gonna do. When I arrived home, I was surprised to see that I started to cry like baby. I didn’t wanna lose that awesome person from my life. I called and told her that and we decided to give it a chance. So we started dating.

I took 2-3 months until I stopped overthinking if this is what I really want bc I started feeling a weird feeling towards her and I think it’s love. I started caring a lot about this human being, she is the cutest person I’ve ever met and for sure she has a great personality. But one month later my anxiety about the relationship came back in another form. Yes, we do love each other, but are we compatible? I even went to a psychologist to see her opinion on my situation, cuz above all I was really flat emotionally, fully numb and neutral. The psychologist told me that I haven’t moved on from my former crush (I though everything changed 5 months before my relationship started). Anyways, I made here a list of things that I think that I do not like about my relationship or that show a degree of incompatibility (I know that no one is fully compatible with their SO, but sometimes there is too much incompatibility):

* Nitpicking. Weekly
* My jokes (or my sense of humor) sometimes upsets her
* We have different taste and attitudes towards artsy stuff. Firstly, I’m a melophile and I try to take it seriously, listening to unconventional/great bands and trying to understand why they’re music is amazing, while she is listening to gibberish mainstream music that I cannot bear. Jeez, I cannot even go to concerts with her, cuz she isn’t this type of person. Secondly, I try to take movies in serious. I physically cannot stop my criticising mechanism, therefore I cannot enjoy most mediocre movies. Not that I try to be a snob, but I really can’t enjoy ’em. While she likes stupidish non-sense romantic movies that bore me to death. That’s why we cannot decide which movies to watch. I dont like her type of movies. She doesn’t like my “too serious movies”.
* She is way more involved emotionally in this relationship than I am. And maybe she is dependent on me too. Like, she is crying every week bc of some things that bother her about the relationship. Like, me not being romantic enough, or not having enough time for her, but she needs a lot. I downloaded an app to see how much time we talk every month and it is a constant +50 hours. Keep in mind that we see everyday at school, at every break. We started talking less, and it made me feel better. Now we’re at 25 hours per month.
* I feel like I’m an emotional wall. 3 or 4 out of 7 days of the week I’m supporting her actively and that drowns the shit out of me. I listen to everything she has on her heart and it’s quite a lot from time to time. Especially because I do not really need that support, I feel like I’m only giving from an emotional point of view. (I understand that support is something normal in a relationship, but she needs it a lot, or at least its too much for me).
* I don’t feel passion. I’m not referring to lust, but passion. I do not see her as the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. I mean, she is cute and all, but it’s not breathtaking. I see other girls way more attractive than her. She is not really my type, but I got a little used to that. From the beginning it was this way and not much changed since. Still, I’m not really attracted to her, not much. Another thing is kissing. I’m not feeling almost anything emotional when kissing. It feels more of a mechanical gesture, and that’s why I have a dilemma. Do I really wanna kiss her or I just wanna kiss someone and I can kiss her, cuz she is my gf so that why I do it (It’s not only about kissing, but also about sex and stuff). For instance, I have not been through the honeymoon phase.
* My gut feeling is telling me that she is not right for me. Not saying perfect, but right, even though she is a really cool person.
* We’ll have to go through a minimum of a 4 years LDR, when we even have not dated a year, and that kinda makes me overthink if it’s worth it at all.
* We don’t have really much to talk about. We talk mostly about how was our day (I keep it short, she keeps it loooong) and that’s kinda it. Sometimes we have constructive conversations, but I feel more like it’s a monologue from my side. Generally our discussions, beside those about our relationship, is about monologues and monologues.

I dont wanna waste her time too, I’m not thinking here only for myself. That’s why I overthink these dilemma almost everyday. So that’s why idk what should I do. Don’t have much experience in the field. Would really appreciate some advice :3

TL;DR : Don’t really know if I this relationship is doomed to end or not

  1. You’re only 18 bud, you have so many failed relationships ahead of you.

  2. Well, considering your whole relationship with her was you trying to force yourself to like her…I’d say breakup. And learn the lesson that you need to date women you’re *actively* romantically interested in instead of wasting time on women you aren’t.

  3. If you even need to ask it’s not a great sign. After reading this, yeah, time to move on.

  4. Damn sis you just took to reddit to list out whats being your gut feeling this isnt gonna work… think you know what you need to do….

    End the relationship gently tho, and do your best to leave her feeling confident as possible (e.g dont go telling her your list.. or like there are other girls better looking). Youll both be better people for it if you end things well and go onto grow and have better healthier relationships in future.

  5. This isn’t healthy. Also, when you’re with the right person the things you don’t have in common won’t be strikes against her. They’ll be endearing, and opportunities to learn about something new.

    You don’t even like this person and she’s draining your energy and you’re considering 4 more years?

    You’re going to feel so free. That 25-50 hours…. Yeah that’ll be nice to reclaim. Get your life back. And maybe hang onto it for awhile and don’t hand it over to someone else. It’s yours. Live it how you want.

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