What is the one thing you can’t compromise for a woman?

  1. I wouldn’t do anything that goes against my values or that is disrespectful to me or the relationship. I think any other stuff can be talked about.

  2. I want kids, so when I start seriously dating with the intention of finding a life partner I won’t be dating anyone who doesn’t want children (they don’t have to be biological so being unable to have bio kids or not wanting to give birth isn’t a problem).

  3. I’m a STEM major and a medical doctor. Sorry, I’m not going to start believing that herbs have magical properities just because they’re “natural”, that homeopathy is real, or that Adam and Eve were ever anything other than allegorical literary characters.

  4. Hypocritical feminist. She believes in ‘equality’ and modern women, but she wants he man to do the traditional things to appease her. They aren’t going for equality; they’re going for superiority.

  5. Myself. I’ve made that mistake and it took years to find who I really was again. I have no intentions on changing any aspect of myself to accommodate for another.

  6. My health and fitness.

    I’d rather stay single and celibate the rest of my life than compromise the happiness and liberation I get from being in a functional and capable body.

    And there’s a disturbing amount of women who want men to compromise this, so I’m quite happily limiting my options.

  7. If I’ve been doing it longer than you’ve been around, I’ll be doing it after you’re gone. We can compromise on how long I spend with hobbies, friends, family, whatever it is, but I will not stop, not without an extremely good reason.

  8. Accountability.

    If you aren’t going to hold yourself accountable for what you say to others or make statements that are vague in nature which can make it seem you can’t be held accountable, then you’re just being disrespectful to others.

    I don’t care how many degrees you’ve gotten or what you feel entitled to, or if you’re a doctor, that stuff is just plain disrespectful to other people.

  9. Not sure I can narrow it down to ONE thing, but if we’re talking apocalyptic scenarios here I’d say being a genuinely nice person tops everything

  10. A monogamous relationship. Call it whatever you want but I’m not going to play that game. If you want to get railed by other guys, go ahead but I won’t be around after. If she even suggests or mentions or asks if it’s something I’d consider, it’s over.

  11. Overweight and not wanting to fix it

    Overweight and busting their ass to get healthy is acceptable.

    But there are few turn offs more apparent than someone that refuses to admit they’re unhealthy and blames everyone and everything but their own lack of self discipline for their weight.

  12. I won’t stop being friends with my best friend. Yes I get it’s suspicious because she’s a girl. However we’ve been friends for years, and not once have we been anything but platonic. Hell I’m walking her down the aisle at her wedding tomorrow (Her dad died a few years ago. I miss him too.) She practically my sister.

    However that’s a tough one for women. Which I get.

  13. I will not stop engaging with any of my hobbies or interests for her sake. None of my hobbies are a danger to my life or anyone else’s, or my legal well-being, so she would have no reason to ask me not to engage with them.

  14. I’ve dated both men and women. While I don’t want to generalize about gendered expectations in relationships, the man in my life was far more…accepting? Appreciative? Of natural male things like body and facial hair or a bit of fat around the stomach (I’m not obese, but I’m a former college athlete and ablut 10-15 pounds heavier than I was in my competitive prime.)

    Body hair and fat isn’t terribly fashionable right now, and, *a* woman I dated beforehand was a lot more concerned with my body aesthetic and seemed far more attracted to me when I shaved my face and body, which I honestly hated doing, and “having” to do if it meant my partner would be intimate with me at all.

    I like my hair. If I shave it, it’ll be because I want to shave it, not because someone else wants me to. I will dress in the styles I prefer, and I will keep my own artistic and aesthetic taste and I’m fine with her keeping hers, as long as we can still love one another.

  15. Yourself. Never change what you got going on in your life or sacrifice yourself for the sake of having a woman. You’ll be a lesser man and she ultimately won’t respect you anyway.

  16. Religiousness.

    Eventually it’s going to become a major point of contention within the relationship, I’d rather just get it out of the way now.

    Even if she isn’t *seriously* religious, who’s to say that won’t be subject to change in the future? How many relationships have been compromised because suddenly one person decided they wanted to more deeply commit themselves to their faith and their religion, and the other party didn’t?

    If that’s what you want to do with your life, that’s on you. It’s your life and nobody has any right to tell you otherwise. It’s your right to do and believe whatever you want as you please. *I* just don’t care to participate or be involved in any capacity. Don’t ask me to start going to church with you or convert or anything, because the answer is and will always be **”NO”**

  17. I am DONE settling for crumbs, specially knowing I give my all. Either I get the same commitment I am capable of giving, or it’s over.

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