I found a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/s/8qsVxHuKXd) on here that describes my situation.

Even in my childhood, it’s similar to OP’s. I’m the youngest, always excluded. No one really talked to me. I was so quiet and shy. I blame my childhood on how I am today and how my family neglected having an emotional connection with me, even though they care and love me a lot.

I’m a slow talker. I didn’t know that until my family would point it out whenever I asked them why they cut me off a lot while talking. They say it takes too long for me to finish a sentence. And when I was young, my older sister used to bully me a lot. Whenever I would talk, she would tell me that the way I talk is just annoying and I should stop talking. She’s the only one who said directly that I’m a slow talker multiple times and that I’m annoying to talk to. I think that’s why no one wants to be around me.

Also, people, mainly friends that I’ve made, are insensitive to me. Probably because of the way I talk. Even though they love my personality, I just can’t keep relationships because usually people are annoyed with me. I have to cut them off.

I think my main issue is rooted in childhood. I didn’t learn how to form relationships or socialise with people. Now, I’m isolating myself from everyone because I’m tired. I live with my family, and it has been two days since I sat down to have a chat with them. But, after what they said, it’s obvious why they’ve always excluded and ignored me whenever I talk and try to form a connection with them. Another thing I have noticed is that in all my friendships or acquaintances, I’ve always made the effort to talk to them. And I’m tired of people-pleasing because people are not willing to be friends with me. I have accepted that maybe it’s just the way that I talk that repels people away from me.

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