My boyfriend has a thick Kentucky accent I love it!

  1. I love a French accent on a gal, ngl. Other than that I think many different people can wear many different accents with a lot of charm.

  2. I really like and Irish, or a southern accent like someone from Georgia.

    However the most attractive accent I’ve ever heard personally was a woman I went out with a few times who was Russian and had lived there until she was 11, and then moved to the UK and stayed in the UK through university before coming to the US.

    She had the most delightful combination of a Russian and English accent, and I was so smitten by her because she was also a Rhodes Scholar working on her PhD, and was incredibly gorgeous. I was kinda crushed when she said she didn’t want to go out again, at the end of our third date.

  3. I went on a tinder date with literally the most attractive Aussie man I’ve ever pulled, to this day.
    His accent made me wanna throw down right there in the restaurant 🫠😮‍💨

  4. Italian.

    I’m a French guy (of Italian descent but I don’t speak the language and I don’t feel Italian in the slightest) and while I was working in Monaco, I received a phone call from an Italian customer (a woman). When I heard her voice and her accent, I immediately melted inside.
    I fell in love with that stranger’s voice on the phone.

    I’ve spoken to many people from around the globe and I’ve never felt the same again.

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