How do you often do you think or reminisce the momories between you and your ex , especially when you are in a relationship?

  1. Pretty much never. I don’t spend any time reminiscing about exes. If something pops to mind because someone mentions it or a similar situation comes up, it may pop to mind briefly, but I don’t spend any time thinking about it.

  2. Not often. Maybe I’d think about them more if i was still friends with them but I’m not.

  3. Pretty much never, I might occasionally wonder how life has been for them over the years bit that’s it

  4. I don’t. Unless something happens that reminds me of a specific memory, I guess. But I don’t remember the last time that happened.

  5. Sometimes. We broke up, but we spent good times together and some are just fond memories. We could be really childish together, like building fords to chill in and have our pets have opinions on current affairs. I mean my cat still has lots of opinions on current affairs accept now i’m just sharing them with me, which is less fun.

  6. I was in a pretty toxic relationship before I met my husband. I never reminisce. I usually just cringe.

  7. Very, very rarely. We were married 18 years but I don’t remember too much now, I think my brain just went into “move on” mode just to get past the unhappy and rough spots. It’s more something I think or talk about when sharing stories with my son, fun or funny times that we had married.

  8. It depends on the relationship. I still think fondly of my ex who died in tragic circumstances, but I think that’s normal. And I’m still friends with one of my (female) exes; our families are still friendly with each other too. We sometimes reminisce about the stupid stuff we did, family events and dramas, that sort of thing, but not very often. As for the others, I rarely, if ever, think of them. Maybe if a particular song comes on the radio, but not otherwise. They’re irrelevant to my life now.

  9. sometimes, when something reminds me of them or a specific event. wether i’m in a relationship or not doesn’t have any influence on that.

  10. Never! When I move on from a man, I am completely done with him and I do not care to reminisce. That’s my past and it didn’t work for a reason. The only time I even mention anything is if I’m telling a funny story to someone and it requires I give that detail, like stories of the past and ex boyfriends. And it’s not to talk horribly of them, it’s just funny stories from my past. That’s all. I wish them all the very best but I feel no emotions towards them at this point in my life.

  11. Quite a lot, just because she was the only one I could be so emotionally vulnerable with. I miss the feeling of trusting someone so deeply.

  12. Anytime I remember something from my past relationship, I cringe. It’s never a wistful “I miss him” and always a relieved “God I’m so happy that’s over”.

  13. Since my past relationship didn’t end well, when I reminesce, it’s usually focused on me, such as “I was pretty happy in that trip. Maybe I can try something similar” or “I acted poorly that one time. I can’t let this happen again”. For relationships that ended well, I just remember the good memories causally and mostly think those were happy times. Nothing too special that I’d linger on.

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