My boyfriend and I have been together for around 2 months and have been having sex for around the same amount of time. Before we had sex for the first time, I didn’t know what to expect, but I was really attracted to him so anticipated the sex to be good. And it was, ultimately. It was quite painful, though, as he is quite big and it took having sex a few times before the pain subsided.
Point is, sex with him has been amazing every single time. We have great sexual chemistry, and he is very attentive to my needs. Since having sex with him the first time, I frequently experience uncontrollable feelings of horniness throughout the day, craving sex with him intensely, and it is very interruptive to my routine. I think about having sex with him at random points of everyday, and whenever we do have sex, I never want it to end. I think he might think I’m a rabid animal when it comes to sex. I also think I unintentionally make him feel “less than” whenever he does stop (understandably so) because I want more but he is too physically tired to go on.
I am so unbelievably attracted to him in every way and his performance in the bedroom is an added bonus to my strong connection with him. But I worry I’m addicted to having sex with him. Every time I am around him, all I want to do is rip off his clothes.
Before meeting him, I did think about sex sometimes, but never daily and consistently. I’m not sure how to handle these intense feelings of horniness for him and how to stop thinking about having sex with him. It makes me feel weird and icky.
I would really appreciate any advice on this if anybody has it.

  1. Good for you. Love it up. It may not last forever sometimes that tapers off. So enjoy and take advantage of that feeling.

  2. If it isn’t interfering with your ability to perform basic functions and it is not hindering your work performance, sleep, or anything else to an extreme degree I wouldn’t worry about it being an addiction. You’re at a biological peak and it’s normal for your body to desire sex.

  3. Nothing to worry about. I am the same way with my husband and we have been together nearly 9 years with a 16 month old. I want him all the time and can’t keep my hands off of him.

  4. Normal and Natural. I’m the same way. He told me in the beginning that he is INSATIABLE. But it turns out that it’s me. We sometimes go 6 rounds in 24 hrs and I only stop because I get really hungry and he looks like he needs to sleep. If we didn’t have jobs and friends, and lives… I don’t think we’d ever leave the bedroom. It’s been 6 months for us.

  5. Since you have just started this craving will be there it’s absolutely normal and natural. like in the childhood we always like to have chocolates, but do we like it that much at this age ? same with alcohol and so on.

    sex craving is absolutely natural and normal, after a while it will go down.

  6. You’re 20, it’s pretty normal. Those feeling might subside over time, but if they don’t, marry him.

  7. Don’t worry, I feel the same way about my partner, it’s been almost 3 years now and I feel towards him, the exact same way you feel about your partner. Enjoy it, my partners drive is extremely low so sex is a rarity. And trust me, with all the hormones built up day in and day out, not getting that craving satisfied, it’ll fuck with you because masturbation doesn’t fix that craving. Only they do, so I mean it when I say this, ENJOY IT!!!

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