Rather it’s financial, physical, and or status. I want to hear stories of women from your past suddenly wanting you after you became successful. The more detail the better.

  1. Female here, so not the target audience. But I will say it was hilarious seeing women who had kept my now husband on a hook come out of the wood work when we got together. One in particular that he had a history with for YEARS who kept him just close enough and reeled him back in just to treat him like shit again. Literally the night he first posted a picture of us together she called him bawling in the middle of the night saying she had messed up and he was her biggest regret and she wanted another chance lol

  2. I can’t say it had lot to do with me. I’ve had tons of women hit me up years later without even knowing what my life status was.

    I think it has more to do with their lowering options than my rising value. Correct me if I’m wrong… But usually you have to have a reason to think of someone from your past before you even find out how good they have it.

  3. Ex wife (27f) cheated and the left me (30m) for a (20m) when I was still in the military. He was also military. One year later me and him are both out of the service. I did ten years, he almost did 2 years before getting kicked out cause it was too hard cause people were “mean” to him. I have my merchant mariners license and he has jack shit. I make $165,000 a year and he makes $40,000 at most as a tow truck driver. She had the audacity to contact me, apologize, tell me she had never meant for things to happen the way they did. She wanted to be with me again but also him and that I could be other people too as long as we’re back together again. Told her that wasn’t even a hell no but a f$!@ no! Met someone new who has been the most patient and understanding person ever as I work thru all the damage and insecurities she caused on top of my depression and anxiety.

  4. A woman lied, cheated and tried to ruin my life. Eventually people saw her for who she really was – all my neighbours and friends blocked her. As soon as she ran out of money and other options she called me up and tried the “I still love you” line. Sorry, sweetheart, I dont love you and neither can I trust you – enjoy your life without me.

    Since then my life has become awesome, I am in shape, good career, house owner and play music in a rock band.

  5. I don’t know if this fits the bill but I noticed other women being much more interested in me when I’m with another woman on a date. I am not good on picking up on the “subtle hints” women say they put out when they like a guy. However, when I’m on a date they are no longer subtle.

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