Currently looking at artificial trees. With a toddler and newborn I feel it will probably be easier. I hate needles everywhere then dragging it out the house to get rid of.

If you use artificial, any suggestions for which one you bought?

Edit: For anyone interested, I’ve bought one and spent more than I wanted too but it’s gorgeous and in the long run works out cheaper over the years than real ones

[This is my tree ](

  1. I go real, just tradition really. As a kid I remember going to the wood with my dad who would cut down and steal them from the local forestry commission each year.

  2. I buy real trees now, the last artificial one I had a few years back was from Argos, looked just like the stock photo. It was a snow covered one and I was really impressed with it. Some of them look terrible out the box

  3. We have an artificial one. My daughter insists it goes up on the 1st, so a real one probably wouldn’t last. Also I have stuff attached to the artificial one from when our cats were alive (had to secure it so climbing it wouldn’t topple it ) and I’ll be using them this year (puppy).

  4. I have a lovely fibre optic tree that I bought from Christmastreeworld a couple of years ago
    We only put two decorations on it

  5. A real one, but potted. We shake it off and bring it in each year so you get the lovely Christmas tree smell without the dropped needles.

  6. We have an artificial one from John Lewis. It looks very nice and bushy. I’m a stickler for having the lights just so, to try and do that on a real tree would be impossible! I shit you not, my family leave the house when I put the lights on, toys are thrown, tantrums are had and the air is blue until they are all sparkling exactly as they should be!

  7. Our current one is one that the mobile shop my former housemate worked at was throwing away. Does the job just fine, though since we have 6 month old kittens it might not go up this year…

  8. Artificial, and every year we say “next year we need to buy a new one of these”, but we never do.

  9. Used to be always real, then one year I complimented my mum on her real tree while standing right by it and she said it was artificial. Went out and bought one after that. Could tell you the brand though. Got it from the local big garden centre. Had it a few years now and while expensive it’s essentially paid for in a few years of not buying a decent big real one.

  10. Until last year I never bothered putting up any decorations at all. I was usually staying at my parents place from just before Christmas until New Year so I just didn’t see the point in putting up a tree in my home when it would be time to take it down again as soon as I got back home after christmas.

    Last year however me and my girlfriend were spending christmas apart with our individual families so we decided to have our own private christmas the week before so I bought a small artificial tree and some decorations for the living room so our early christmas would actually feel like christmas. We have decided we actually quite like having a private early christmas to ourselves so now will be doing the same every year before spending actual christmas with one or both families.

  11. We’ve had an artificial one for 19 years and it is as good now as the day we bought it. I haven’t seen a nicer one in the shops since. It’s a pain to put together and take spart (every branch individually connects in) but we love it and anyone visiting comments on how real it looks.

  12. We get a real one every year – IMO looks far better and actually smells good too. In the grand scheme of how much Christmas costs, £25 for a real tree doesn’t break the bank

  13. Artificial tree from John Lewis. They’re expensive initially but we can’t rate it highly enough. Real ones are costing upwards of £65 a year (increases constantly) around me and we can’t afford it on top of presents etc. So we took the hit on an artificial one 3-4 years ago and love it.

  14. We’ve a real tree, in a pot. 11 months of the year it lives outside, mid December we give it a good brush down to get rid of dead needles and probably a tiny fraction of the spiders in it, trim it a little if need be and have it inside.

  15. Artificial.

    Mine has done me extremely well – had the thing about 15 or 16 years I think and still going strong. Not bad for a Tesco value one!

  16. Artificial. You have to spend a bit to get a good one though – the £30-40 ones you can pick up in the supermarket look pretty ropey. I can vouch for the Kaluga from B&Q, though it isn’t slim like you’ve specified. It’s lovely and full, and looks impressively real except for the slightly too perfectly triangular shape. Well worth the investment since it’ll last for donkeys.

    I got a real one a few years ago, on the grounds that I wanted the sitting room to smell like Christmas. Well, the Christmas tree farm smelled lovely, but the tree itself, once home, smelled of absolutely nothing. And then I had hassle of a Christmas tree to get rid of a few weeks later! I won’t bother again.

  17. Fake one.

    You only have to pay one time. No needles, bugs and dirtiness. Easy to place, easy to store away.

    However with a toddler, make sure you have plastic balls and not glass ones.

  18. I bought mine just from asda. One of the small ones with lights and berries in it. However if you want one long term you want to get a pe plastic one as they have much more realistic ferns than the usual confetti style and they shed alot less and thus should hold up.

    Also if you keep an artificial tree for over a decade or so (depending on size) its better in carbon footprint than buying a real tree each year

  19. We bought a beautiful fake one from The Range, about 10 yrs ago. It has beautiful mini “bouquets” on the end of each branch (pine cones, eucalyptus, berries etc) I just put lights on and a topper, it needs nothing else. Still going strong.

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