Is it still a ‘different’ day compared to the rest of the week? Or has it become just like any other day now?

Do many people work on Sunday,is everything open?

Or is it still a day for relaxing, visiting relatives or going to religious services?

  1. Pretty much everything is open. Some common activities: farmers markets, brunch, hiking, running errands/shopping

  2. I own the aisles of Kroger on Sunday morning, but you better make your exit by 10 to 10.15am or you will be swarmed by the hoards who went to the first service or who snuck out after early Sunday school. In the 60’s and 70’s finding anything open was hard, now just about everything is open except the banks(ATM’s are though)

  3. Everything is open and some people go to church but I think the majority don’t. Right now most of the people I know spend the day watching football.

  4. I would say more restaurants and small shops are closed on Sundays than on other days. It’s definitely the busiest day of the week for most churches. Larger businesses will tend to be open.

  5. The area where I live is mostly non-Christian, so Sunday isn’t the special day that it is in Christian areas.

  6. Less traffic, a lot of stuff opens a little later and closes a little earlier, public transit doesn’t run as frequently, and Chick-Fil-A is closed.

  7. Lots of stuff closed, not much traffic during church service time

    Utah is definitely the outlier though

  8. Plan your trips so you don’t have to share the road with Amish going to/from meeting. Otherwise pretty much like Saturday.

  9. Many shops, especially local ones, open a little later and close a little earlier. The bus schedule is more restricted. The bank is closed. Other than that, no changes for me.

  10. It’s basically just Saturday with different business hours. Lots of local businesses are closed Sunday and Monday.

  11. Almost everything is open but a lot of small business and retail have later starting and earlier closing hours.

    Not as many people attend church as when I was a kid, but a lot of people still have family gatherings on Sunday or get together to watch football.

  12. Most people don’t work Sundays (retail and restaurants being a major exception). Everything which is open Saturday (most retail, almost all restaurants) is open Sunday. Not many go to religious services. Not many visit relatives on any random Sunday unless it’s around a holiday. It’s indistinguishable from Sunday.

  13. Most stuff is open. Dry cleaners, liquor stores, some doctor’s offices etc are closed, but other than that it’s a normal day. Some people might go to church, but I don’t know.

    Except up in Bergen county. That place shuts down on Sundays. It’s weird.

  14. In the morning it’s barren because everyone is at church. Perfect time for a heathen like me to go shopping for groceries.

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