
  1. Make out session always turns into sex, pecks for goodbyes and welcome back home. Nothing changed for 6 years if she is cold after marriage then she wasn’t committed to the marriage and just did it for the rewards.

  2. I think you’re confusing some things.

    Most married couples are conveying a lot more in that lip peck than a full night for a new couple. Affection always seems less from the outside but is always greater from than inside compared to eros.

  3. we aint making out in front of people that shit is for teenagers. at home where no one is watching it’s on like donkey kong. married for 10 years.

  4. Make outs rapidly escalate to sex unless interrupted. You’re not going to be around to see that.

  5. Affection is different for different people. I love making out with my wife but her rubbing my back in public when she can tell I’m stressed beats out those kisses anyday

  6. Both of us have physical touch high on our Love Language list. We peck hello or after toasting at dinner, but according to her, I’m a handsy bastard and have my way with her in terms of making out when there’s time. Bottom line, the presence of a peck doesn’t mean the absence of making out. It’s more about whether or not there’s time to open that can of worms. Bit of an indirect answer I guess.

  7. Married for four years. It’s all about time. Hurrying out the door, a peck at most. Coming home after the day, can be longer. Not a “make out session” though. At least not if the kids are home. I remember seeing my parents getting all smoochy and it grossed me out (now looking back it’s sweet they were so happy). But I’m not subjecting my kids to that lol

  8. I don’t make out in front of people. I also don’t like to make out unless we have both recently brushed and or used mouthwash. I’m picky in my old age!

  9. Not married, but 4 1/2 years into dating and it hasn’t.

    As others have mentioned, you tend to making out in public once you have doors you can close.

    That said, there’s still a huge difference between a public kiss early into most relationships vs late into a marriage.

    Still, a half decade in and that hasn’t happened either. It’s not a rule that it *has* to.

  10. Married for 12 years. I can confirm that making out quickly turns into sex or at least it’s often a prelude to sex. My wife is not big on touching, she is from a religious family and they are all awkward around other people. So making out and touching usually means she is horny. She seldom even gives me her hand in public, she would never accept making out in public unless she is high or drunk or in some sort of weird, horny, distress.

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