I know this is embarrassing but i need the help. I recently lost my v card last Sunday, it was amazing, im not gonna lie, BUT my bladder has been so short lately. Like I feel like I need to pee REALLY bad but as soon as I go to the restroom, and i would go to the restroom about 10 times a dsy maybe???, maybe morem it’s just a little tinkle and it kinda hurts and I start crying, and recently it’s been getting worse. and today i woke up around 2 in the morning to use the restroom, again. And like before, it hurt kind of, I start crying and I sit there for a bit because it feels like I need to pee more but I don’t. Then at 5 am I woke up in a small puddle of pee… I ran to the restroom to let out the rest because I quickly knew what was going on. I know it’s embarrassing and I shouldn’t be saying all of this publicly on social media but, is something wrong with me? Is this normal?? Does this have to do with the fact I lost my v card?? I have 1 friend that said yes, but she told me it stopped after a few days. So that’s why im concerned about myself.
Edit/update: thank you guys for bringing this to my attention. I did look it up before hand but wanted to get ppl who have had more experience than me to tell me what was actually wrong (whe. I looked it up it said uti, bladder infection, diabetes, etc so I was a bit confused ) also the reason why I haven’t gone to the doctors is because and my mom would get mad. But me and my boyfriend (don’t worry we used protection) are planning to go to the pharmacy and talk to some people there. Thank you to everyone who has helped, I greatly appreciate it🫶🏼🫶🏼

  1. Sounds like it could be a UTI, which is normal to experience and could happen from a variety of things, one of which includes sex. Depending on where you’re located there’s a few different options for treatment, check in with your local chemist or dr

  2. Solid symptoms of a UTI and not something to be worried about. They happen, especially when you get a solid dose of bacteria that you’re body isn’t used to. Just see a doctor and explain your symptoms. Meanwhile drunk lots of water and for some eating / drinking food with cranberries will also help. But definitely see a doc.

  3. Sounds like a urinary tract infection (UTI), not a big deal and very treatable! Give a call to the doctor or to the pharmacy (depending on your location) and they can get you started on some antibiotics. It’s a good tip to pee after sex to help clear things out and get it all moving again so bacteria doesn’t have a chance to grow.

  4. It sounds like a UTI, you can get sachets of stuff to add to water to drink to help. Make sure you drink lots of fluid, cranberry juice helps also.

    When you have sex always go and empty your bladder after, it helps flush out any bacteria from your urethra.

  5. Lots of comments saying not to worry and while UTIs are common they can easily turn into kidney infections so please see a doctor and get some antibiotics. You can try D-mannose supplements in the future – take them right after sex (and always pee after sex). Hope you feel better soon!

  6. Sounds like a UTI, which can be triggered by sex for some people. Go to your doctor and get antibiotics, and complete the entire course of antibiotics, ideally while also taking probiotic pills to balance your vaginal flora.

    You can lower the chances of this happening in the future by always peeing right after sex and always making sure that anything that touches your genitals is clean.

  7. I treat my UTIs (which I get frequently) with baking soda in my bath water (about a half of a cup) and they go away in a few days but if it doesn’t go away you need to see a doctor because it can infect your kidneys (which can show up as low back pain sometimes but not always)

  8. Honeymoon cystitis!!!

    You had sex for the first time and your body spazed out. Its a perfectly normal thing to happen after your first time. Go to your doctor and get some antibiotics. Chances are once it clears and if you are with the same partner that won’t happen again!

    Cheers on loosing your vcard!

  9. Sounds like you have a UTI. You’ll need antibiotics to clear that up.

    Be sure to pee right after you have sex.

  10. as someone that’s very prone to them, this sounds like it’s definitely a UTI. you’re gonna have to go to a doctor, but in the meantime here’s some advice.


    if you go to any pharmacy in the US, most of them carry AZO. that will be your best friend until you can get on some antibiotics. you take AZO as instructed. if it’s really bad, get the ultra strength stuff. it will turn your urine bright yellow/orange, that’s nothing to be scared of. it’s perfectly normal.

    on top of the AZO, drink tons of water. it really helps a lot. helps flush out some of the bacteria and makes urinating less painful, in my experience.


    like i said, im super prone to them. i take cranberry supplements. whether they help or not may be placebo, but i feel a difference. you can drink cranberry juice instead, but i really hate the taste. they have supplements in pill and gummy form.

    sex-wise, always pee directly after sex. like once the deed is over, haul your ass over to a bathroom. it doesn’t matter if you can only get a couple drops out, as long as you can get anything out it will decrease your chances of getting a UTI significantly. cuddling, sleep, etc. can wait 30 seconds.

    sending love, good luck, OP

  11. As others have said, likely a UTI. It’s important to pee immediately after having penetrative sex, it flushes out the urethra and will help prevent UTIs. See your doc, or even an urgent care, for antibiotics. It’s important to treat UTIs as they can become kidney infections if left untreated.

    It may be worth also getting a prescription for diflucan, which treats yeast infections. I always get one after being on antibiotics, since they wipe out all the good bacteria in the vagina. the vaginal microbiome is a balance of good bacteria and yeast, so if one gets depleted the other can have an overgrowth. You can google YI symptoms to know if you end up developing one post antibiotics and save yourself another doctors visit by getting the diflucan as a precaution

  12. Could be a UTI. Before sex, PEE! Immediately after sex, PEE AGAIN. Drink lots of water and add unsweetened cranberry juice. If symptoms persist or you feel feverish, go see a dr as antibiotics might be required.

  13. As everyone else is saying, you most certainly have a UTI. I had *a lot* of those especially when I was younger before someone told me to always pee after sex.

  14. You should always pee before and after sex, even if you don’t feel like you have to.

    Also you should talk to a doctor about that. You might have a UTI (urinary tract infection) firing up.

  15. I have gotten rid of many UTIs with cranberry tablets and chugging a ton of water. Try that before going to the doctor.

  16. Sounds a bit like a UTI. Very common sometimes with sex if hygiene isn’t maintained or there’s a sudden upset in pH levels.

  17. this happened to me when i first started having sex, turns out I had a uti after fully emptying my bladder in my sleep. lots lots of water to fill up ur bladder and let it all out will clear out the infection, but it sounds like you have been like this for a while, which is definitely when you should go to the dr. uti’s aren’t always caused by sex, and i usually just told my mom i had been holding my pee more recently (also a cause for a uti) and we went to the dr, did a urine test, and peed in the a cup and got prescribed antibiotics after, and it went away after 3-5 days! they’re common, and easy to get rid of as long as you go to the dr and get antibiotics. sometimes, you can even get rid of them on ur own if you catch them earlier on. good luck, i hope you feel better <3

  18. Sounds like a bladder infection, UTI. Peeing right after sex can help avoid them in the future. Don’t worry it’s nothing you did wrong or anything wrong with either of you it can just happen.

  19. As people have pointed out, it’s very likely a UTI. Had you been engaging in any backdoor activity? That can introduce germs to your urinary tract if your partner didn’t cleanse his Penis Or Fingers before returning to the vagine area.

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