Your girlfriend/wife. Looking for more ways to appreciate my amazing fiancé. Thank you! 🙂

  1. Honestly, when she offers to do something I was supposed to do.
    It makes me feel great and like she loves me and wants me to rest a bit.

    Last week I returned home after a month away and I wanted to wash the floor as it is usually my chore (and I was not home for a while and I didn’t want her to do my chore again) but she just did not let me, she kept saying I was probably tired and I should take a nap or meet with my friends.

    She is an amazing life partner

  2. When he gets home, set him on the couch, cuddle up close and whsiper seductively in his ear…

    *I ordered TWO pizzas.*

  3. So talk to him about his hobbies and passions. He may love playing a certain game or have a favorite book. See if you can buy that same book but have the author sign it for him. See if they have merch for that game he loves.

    Find cookie cutters and decorate them like that certain game. Doesn’t have to be ones specifically for that game though, like you can decorate a snowman into a skyrim character or whatever.

  4. A hug. A sustained one with maximum ~~constant~~ contact between our bodies. She’s the only person I know that i feel fully comfortable hugging.

  5. If he’s working on something, bring him a treat, Ideally homemade, and kiss him on the cheek. He’ll ride that high for the rest of the week.

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